VR 12.13

  1. If you had to listen to a song ad infinitum, what song would you choose and why?

  2. Who is apportioned the greatest amount at family meals? Explain.

  3. Describe a time in which you lost an appreciable amount of money carelessly.

  4. Have you ever noticed an appreciable difference in your mood during the day? Explain.

  5. What is an appreciable difference you've noticed in yourself since you left middle school? Explain.

  6. Name an autocratic leader in ancient Rome.

  7. Name a country which is under autocratic control.

  8. Who is the most autocratic member of your family? Explain.

  9. Are you likely to blanch at the site of something scary?

  10. What is the topic that might make a person blanch?

  11. Name a situation where you would blanch with fear.

  12. In an argument, are you usually the first to concede? Why or why not?

  13. In which class do you make the most concerted effort and why?

  14. What is something that requires people to make a concerted effort?

  15. Is there a food that you find intolerable?

  16. Have you ever had an attitude that was irreverent towards a teacher? If so, explain.

  17. Name two things that you find intolerable at Preston.

  18. What is an action or habit that you find intolerable? Why?

  19. Have you ever seen a student do something irreverent to a teacher?

  20. Have you ever gotten in trouble for being irreverent? Explain.

  21. Name a show which is often irreverent. Explain.

  22. Name a celebrity who is irreverent. Explain.

  23. What is the most laborious task you are made to do at home?

  24. Why do you think people sometimes maltreat children?

  25. Have you ever been maltreated by a teacher?

  26. Give an example of how the government can prevent maltreatment in the workplace.

  27. With which of your five senses do you perceive most acutely? Explain.

  28. What appetizer do you consider the ideal prelude to a good meal?

  29. Name a character on a TV show who is subversive.

  30. Name a time in history when a civilization was subversive towards its leader.

  31. Name an act that would be subversive toward the government.

  32. Would you ever participate in a subversive action?

  33. Have you ever had a temperate conversation with a hot headed person?

  34. Name a country that has a temperate climate.

  35. Name a time when you were temperate in a chaotic situation.

  36. Are you at temperate or hotheaded person? Explain.

  37. What is the most untenable excuse you've ever given your parents or a teacher?

  38. Name two venomous species.

  39. Describe a time someone made a venomous comment against you.

  40. Have you ever heard venomous words from a teacher?

  41. When might a person be venomous?

  42. Describe a time when you were vindicated.

  43. Name something you used to really love but for which your interest has now waned. Why did your interest wane?