HW - 9R

FOR THE LAST DAY: You must have assembled everything you want to put in your portfolio, including anything that you have written for any class that you want to save, and especially the research paper with the comments I put on turnitin.com.

VT 14.15

The last vocabulary will be next Wednesday and Thursday. It will include the following 15 words:1. abase

  1. abase

  2. debacle

  3. dormant,

  4. dubious

  5. embroil

  6. exonerate

  7. glib

  8. harangue

  9. incite

  10. precipitous

  11. profuse

  12. protract

  13. reconcile

  14. subterfuge

  15. spurn


Do the exercises for units 14 and 15.


Do exercises for Unit 13 (and block 1 - finish the prompts)!!!

5/8 - 9

Finish the exercises for UNIT 12!

Also, the intro to your research paper is due. You should hand in a hard copy in class, as well as submit it on turnitin by class time. It should include a proper MLA heading, a title (NOT underlined but italicize the title of the play) and no quotes from the primary or secondary sources. In addition, it should follow the format I have given you for intros:

  1. introduce the general topic, i.e. miscommunication

  2. introduce the quote relating to the general topic

  3. explain the quote (Use the expression "In other words,")

  4. connect the quote to the play

  5. thesis/road map

Q4: This quarter you will:

1. Take three vocabulary tests and write sentences for each test which reflect your knowledge of the vocabulary words and the various phrases you have learned this year.

2. Analyze and write about a poem.

3. Write a research paper.

Vocabulary test dates

VT 14/15 - 6/5-6

Poetry project: In pairs, you will present a literary analysis of a poem following the LAST format. In addition, you will need to write a one paragraph analysis of how the poet uses a specific literary tool to make a larger point.

Research Paper: This quarter, you will write a research paper. Since some of you may be more interested more in facts than fiction, I'm giving you a choice; you can write either a literary analysis paper or a persuasive paper. If you write the former, you must include quotes from at least one piece of literary criticism. If you write the latter, you must include at least two credible sources to support your arguments. The deadlines are listed below:


Intro due to turnitin.com. In addition, you must give me a hard copy.


Outline due. (Only hard copy.)

5/29 by 10 pm:

Final paper due to turnitin.com. Hard copy should be handed in on 5/30-31. If you submit the paper to turnitin by 9 pm on Friday, 5/26, you will receive a 10 point bonus. If it on turnitin by 9 pm on Saturday, 5/27, you will receive a 5 point bonus.

You are strongly urged to go to WRITING CENTER for this assignment. If you have written proof that you have done so (dates with teachers' signatures), it will impact your grade in a very positive way.

For 5/3-4

Write 6 sentences with vocab from 10 and 11: appositive, absolute, past participial, present participial, adverbial clause, relative clause.

For 4/5-6

Do the exercises for Units 10 and 11.

For 4/3-4

EXTRA CREDIT: Go see The Addams Family and write at least three paragraphs about what the point of the play was and how that point was made through the use of conflict and characterization. Remember to analyze, not summarize or comment.

For 3/27-28

Read Act IV and write one sentence for each scene following the patterns below. If you have a HW pass, you may use your it for this:

IV.1 - adverbial, appositive

IV.ii - past participial, appositive

IV.iii - present participial, appositive

IV.iv - absolute, appositive

IV.v - relative clause, appositive

For 3/15-16

Do the vocabulary review exercise for Unit 9 here.

For 3/13-14

Read Act III and write one sentence for each scene following the patterns below:

III.1 - absolute, appositive

III.ii - past participial, appositive with a relative clause

III.iii - present participial, appositive

III.iv - adverbial, appositive

III.v - absolute, appositive with a relative clause

For 3/6 - 7

Do the exercises for Unit 9.

For 2/24-27

Do the vocabulary review exercise for Unit 8 here. Choose one prompt for each word and remember to use the word in your answer.

Extra Credit: For 2/22:

Do a drawing of the Mercutio's Queen Mab speech. Make sure your illustration includes quotes from the speech.

For 2/22-23

Read Act 2 of the No Fear Shakespeare version of Romeo and Juliet. For each scene, write a sentence following the patterns listed below. All sentences should use appositive phrases liberally.

II.i - past participial

II.ii -present participial

II.iii - relative clause

II.iv - absolute phrase

II.v - adverbial clause

II.vi - adverbial clause

For 2/16-17

Do the exercises for Unit 8 in your vocabulary book.

For 2/9-10

Do the vocabulary review exercise for Unit 7 here.

For 2/6-7

Read Act 1 in the No Fear Shakespeare version of R & J . The first scene is rather harsh - I apologize in advance - but it sets up an important theme of the play. For each scene, write a one sentence synopsis, using at least one of the phrases or clauses you have learned so far this year. For example, your sentence for I.i might be:

absolute phrase subject appositive phrase transitive verb PrepPh Their tempers flaring, two families, the Capulets and the Montagues, begin a brawl in the town square.

For 2/2-3

Do the vocab exercises for unit 7.

For 1/31-2/1

Bring your textbook to class for ALL of 3rd quarter.

For quarter 3, you will need your textbook for every class.

(As well as your vocabulary book)


Vocabulary Test on Unit 6

For 1/19-20

Do the exercises for Unit 7.

For 1/11-12

Watch this video about Erik Erikson's theory and take notes on each of the stages.

Copy the chart below into your notebook and fill it out as you watch:


For 1/9-10

Write prompts for the 15 of the 20 words in Unit 6 based on the vocabulary review exercises we have done.

For 1/5-6

Do the exercises for Unit 6 in your vocab book.

For 1/3

Please finish The Catcher in the Rye. There is an extra credit opportunity here. It is due at the end of the first week back from vacation.

For 12/19-20

We will have a vocabulary test on Unit 5. For the test, you will write SIX sentences. FOUR of those sentences should have a relative clause with the the following relative pronouns: who, whose, which and that. ONE should have a past participial phrase, ONE should have a present participial phrase and ALL should have an appositive phrase. ONE of the relative clauses should include an adverbial clause with the subordinating conjunction "when". ALL should include a vocabulary word from Unit 5.

For 12/14-15

Do the vocabulary review exercise for Unit 5. Also, go here, copy and paste the material there (you don't need to watch the video) and bring it to class.

For 12/10

Submit your short story/song essay to turnitin.com by 10 p.m. Remember to use the proper heading, a compelling title, an intro that follows the appropriate format, two body paragraphs which follow the MEAL format explaining how the writer uses a literary tool to make a point about the theme, and a conclusion which sums up, but does not verbatim repeat, the main points of the essay. Extra points for the use of phrases and clauses we have learned, as well as vocabulary. You will be quizzed in your Catcher reading at the beginning of next week.

For 12/7-8

Pick a story and a song pair that you will analyze in your essay. In addition, identify a common theme that both the song and story share, as well as specific literary tools the authors use to make their point. Also, read this, take notes, and be prepared to tell me what you understand about relative clauses and pronouns.

For 12/5-6

Do the exercises for Unit 5. Remember, you must have read up to chapter 6 in Catcher by the beginning of next week.

For 11/30-12/1

Do the unscrambling exercise on adverbial clauses here. Also, using vocabulary from Unit 4, write three sentences with adverbial clauses, each beginning with one of the following subordinating conjunctions: although, until, whenever

Here is a reading schedule for Catcher.

For 11/21-22

Do the vocabulary review exercise for Unit 4 here. Only choose ONE prompt for each word. (That means you should not write more than twenty sentences altogether.) Also, read here about adverbial clauses and do this exercise and only A and B in this exercise.

For 11/14-15

Do the exercises for Unit 4. Read "The Scarlet Ibis" and answer the questions here. Next week, I will be collecting money ($6) for The Catcher in the Rye.

For 11/3-7

Do the Vocabulary Review exercise here, do the exercise on absolute phrases at the bottom of the page here, and write two sentences, each with an absolute phrase and a vocabulary word from Unit 3.

For the test, you will need to write 6 sentences, two with an absolute phrase, two with a present participial phrase, two with a past participial phrase, each with an appositive phrase and each with a vocabulary word from Unit 3. You may prepare these sentences in advance but you must memorize them for the test.

For 11/1-2

Do the exercises for Unit 3 in your vocabulary book. Also, download and do the worksheet on absolute phrases at the link below.


For 10/27-28

Read "American History" by Judith Ortiz Cofer and answer the questions here.

For 10/24-25

Write 6 sentences, 3 with a past participial phrase, 3 with a present participial phrase, each with a word from Unit 2 and each with an appositive phrase.

For 10/20-21

Do the Vocabulary Review exercise on Unit 2 here.

For 10/17-18

Do the unscrambling exercise on participial phrases here. Also, read "The Necklace" and answer the questions here.

For 10/11-12

Do all the exercises for Unit 2 in your vocabulary book. Also, we will have a quiz on the parts of speech when we return next week. Go here for recommended videos to help you understand the parts of speech. Google "parts of speech practice" for exercises. Finally, please bring your textbook to class from now on. You no longer need your summer reading books for class.

For 10/8

Your summer reading essay is due to turnitin.com.

For 10/6-7

Write your first body paragraph for your summer reading essay.

For 10/4-5

You will have a vocabulary test on Unit 1. The test will have two parts. The first part will be a multiple choice test. When you finish that, you will write five sentences, each including an appositive phrase and a vocabulary word from a list I will give you that day.

For 9/29-30 (F, G)

Write an introductory paragraph for your summer reading essay based on the model shown in class. It should have a proper heading, be typed, not handwritten, 12 p New Times Roman, 1" margins and double-spaced.

For 9/26-27 (C, D )

Do the Vocabulary Review exercise for Unit 1 found here. For this exercise, you need to write a response to the question or statement. It is very important that you use the vocabulary word in your response. Also, you should include an appositive phrase.

For example, # 1 asks you to "describe a time when you were admonished by your parents for breaching the laws of etiquette". Your response might be:

My father admonished me for breaching the laws of etiquette when I ate with my hands at a school event, a PTA spaghetti dinner.

BY 9/20-21 (G, H)

Make index cards for the words in Unit 1. In addition, copy and paste the page found here into a Word document and bring it to the next class.

For 9/16-19 (E, F)

Read the passage "I'll Wait for the Movie" on page 12 and finish the exercises "Choosing the Correct Word" , "Synonyms", "Antonyms" and "Completing the Sentence" for Unit 1 in the vocabulary book. In addition, you must have index cards for the words in the Unit by next week. B 5 = Monday, B 1 = Tuesday

One side: word, synonyms, part of speech

Other side: example sentence or definition.

For 9/14-15 (C,D)

Enroll in turnitin.com. and submit your summer reading HW. Watch the videos of Schoolhouse Rock here and write a definition for each of the parts of speech. Also, write a sentence which includes an example of each of the parts of speech at least once.

Oh, my! Lazy Tina sat listlessly as she played with snapchat on her phone and chewed her gum.

We will have a quiz on To Kill a Mockingbird (TKAM) at the beginning of the next class.

Remember to bring your copy of TKAM and your vocabulary book (if you have one). You do not need to bring your textbook.

Important Dates for Quarter 4:

Vocab Test on Unit 10: 5/2-3

Vocab Test on Unit 11: 5/11-12

Vocab Test on Unit 12: 6/2-3

Extra Credit: Works Cited page must be handed to me in class on Wednesday (or Thursday for Block 5). Go here for the article by Munson Deats:


The user name is "preston", the password is "panthers".

The rest of the year:

Research papers will be due to turnitin.com by 5 pm on Saturday, May 28th. If you hand it in by 5 pm on Friday, May 27th, you will receive a 5 point bonus. If you hand it in by Thursday, May 26th at 10 you will get an extra 10 point bonus. Our last vocabulary test (on Unit 12) will be June 2nd and 3rd. You will write sentences with all the phrases, including a relative clause with whom.

For 5/17

Do the exercises for Unit 12

For 5/11-12

Study for the Unit 11 Vocabulary test. For this test, you will need to write 6 sentences with the following patterns (4 points each; 24 points):

depreciate - past participial

deteriorate - absolute

divulge - present participial

proponent - appositive

recoup - adverbial with "although"

relentless - relative clause with "whom"

For 5/6-9

Do the vocal review exercise for Unit 11 here.

For 5/4-5

Do the exercises forUnit 11 in your vocabulary book.

The week of 4/25-29

I moved the test on Unit 10 to Monday and Tuesday of next week, 5/2-3.

A-day classes will be in the computer room on Wednesday and Friday, the B-day class on Thursday. At the end of that class (or those classes), you will be required to hand in whatever you have written of your paper, including the introduction which you have already written, as a first draft, to turninin.com. The assignment on turnitin is "RP - first draft".

If you are not finished by the end of the class, DO NOT WORRY! This will be taken into account.

About this paper - many of you will need to rewrite your thesis. The overall subject of the paper is miscommunication in Romeo and Juliet. Your road map should break down that general subject into at least three subdivisions: the generation gap, the masculine peer pressure of Romeo's friends and the eventual alienation that drives the young lovers to their suicides. Some of you have mentioned literary tools, such as metaphor and characterization, as your road map. For this paper, those tools should be incorporated into the main ideas of your body paragraphs. So, for example, if your first body paragraph discusses the generation gap, then your main idea could be:

In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare uses characterization to show how the generation gap affects the fate of the young lovers.

Go here for more help:

For 4/25-27

Do the Vocab Review exercise for Unit 10 here.

For 4/19-20

Hand in a typed, properly formatted copy of your intro. For the general format of the intro, go here. For specific instructions about this assignment, go here.

For 4/13-14

Do the exercises for Unit 10 in your vocabulary book.

For 4/11-12

Read the article here. There are about 14 sentences underlined. Choose 7 and paraphrase them. Please copy and paste the original sentence before each paraphrase.

For 4/7-8

We will have a quiz on vocabulary from Units 7, 8 and 9. The format is that same as the two comprehensive quizzes we have already taken. You will have 20 minutes to answer at least 70 questions.

For 3/22-23

Do the questions for Act 3 here. This can be handwritten or typed but it must be double-spaced and neat. (Block 5: Read Act 3 and do ONLY the odd numbered questions.)

For 3/15 (B-day block 5 will do it in class on Wednesday)

Do the Vocabulary Review exercise for Unit 9 here.

For 3/11-14

Write the sentences described below. Each sentence should include a vocab word and a phrase/clause.

For 3/9-10

Do the exercises for Unit 9 in your vocabulary book. Also, for the test next week, you will need to write TEN sentences, each with ONE of the phrases/clauses we have studied. Below are the words:

drudgery - absolute

escalate - absolute

expedient - adverbial with "although"

feign - adverbial with "until"

grievous - appositive

heterogeneous - appositive

impel - past participial

incredulous - present participial

prognosis - relative clause

repugnant - relative clause with "whom"

Sentences for Unit 8:

console: appositive, present particpial,

flippant: adverbial with "when", relative clause

liability: absolute, adverbial with "before",

pugnacious: appositive, relative clause with "whom"

remunerate: absolute, past participial

For 3/2-3

Write the sentences for Unit 8 according to the prompts above.


Draw Mercutio's Queen Mab speech, illustrating the imagery. So, for example, the Queen is in a carriage that should have spiders' legs for spokes and a cover of "the wings of grasshoppers" (I.iv.65). This should be drawn by you, not downloaded from the internet, copied and colored in. Your drawing should be labeled with phrases from the original text. The assignment will be due on Friday, March 4th.

Also, for another extra credit grade, you may memorize one of the monologues/soliloquies from R & J and present it to the class. This must be done the week before Easter break.

For 2/29 - 3/1

Your ACT 2 HW should be turned in by the first class next week.


For 2/24-25

Do the vocabulary review exercise here. Choose one prompt for each of the words in Unit 8 and write a response.

For 2/22-23

Do the exercises for Unit 8.

For 2/12 (2/17 for Block 5)

Write 5 sentences, based on the formats below:

1. apex - adverbial with "until", appositive

2. assimilate - adverbial with "although", absolute

3. malign - past participial, appositive

4.obstreperous - present participial, relative clause

5. surly - adverbial with "if", relative clause

For 2/10

Do the vocabulary review for Unit 7 here. Also, please hand your HW on Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet into turnitin.com.

For 2/8

Read Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet and answer the questions here. You don't need your textook (and you may read the No Fear text, but be sure to take textual evidence from the original version.) And be sure to cite the text properly: (1.3.54-55) or (I.iii.54-55)

For 2/4

Do the exercises for Unit 7.

Important dates for Quarter 2:

11/19-20 Test/Quiz on Vocabulary Units 1, 2 and 3

11/23 Intros to 2 of the 3 short story/song pairs due too turnitin.com

11/24-25 Test on Unit 4 and absolute phrases.

12/13 Essay due to turnitin.com at 9p.m.

12/16-17 Test on Unit 5 and relative clauses.

1/13-14 Test on Unit 6 and adverbial clauses.

1/21-22 Test on The Catcher in the Rye

Weekend of 1/9-10 to 1/22: -

NO HOMEWORK (but we will have tests on Unit 6 and TCITR) Also, as of Monday the 11th, please remember to bring your textbooks to class.


Do the unscrambling exercise on adverbial clauses here and write two sentences, one with "although" and one with "if", using a vocabulary word from Unit 6 and one other phrase we have learned.

Example: Although Mary, a diligent student, did well on the test, she was not satisfied with less than a perfect grade. (This sentence contains both an adverbial clause, an appositive phrase and the vocab word "diligent".


Do the exercises for Unit 6.

For 12/9

Do the Vocabulary Review for Unit 5 here.

For 12/4-7

Watch this video on Erik Erikson's eight stages of psych-social development. Make notes on the conflict for each stage and the resulting virtue that emerges from a successful resolution of the conflict.

For 12/2-3

Do Choosing the Correct Word and Completing the Sentence for Unit 5. Also, here you will find a link to the reading schedule for The Catcher in the Rye . Please follow it.

For 11/24-25

Study for your vocabulary test on Unit 4. For the test, you will need to write 6 sentences, 3 of which you may prepare in advance, memorize and use on the test. Also, you should plan to take the intro you will use for a full-length essay to Writing Center this and next week.

For 11/23 (8:00 am)

Hand in two intros to turnitin.com based on 2 of the 3 short story/song pairs we have read in class. Each intro should follow the format found here. You can find an example here or a scrambled example here. Feel free to find and use a quote online that exemplifies the topic of your intro. Also, for the test on Unit 4 next Wednesday, you will need to write 6 sentences, each with a vocabulary word, an absolute phrase, two with a past participial phrase, two with a present participial and two with an appositive phrase.

For 11/20-21

Study for the vocabulary test on units 1, 2 and 3.

For 11/18-19

Do the unscrambling exercise for absolute phrases here.

For 11/16-17

Do the Vocabulary Review for Unit 4 here. Choose one prompt for each of the 20 words in the unit.

For 11/12-13

Read the passage on pages 50 and 51 and do the exercises Choosing the Right Word and Completing the Sentence for Unit 4.

For For 11/9-10

Do the Vocabulary Review exercise for Unit 3 here. Study for the Unit 3 vocabulary tests. For this test, the format will be different. There will be 12 sentences where you need to fill in the shaxta and 8 sentences where you need to choose the correct word. In addition, for the shaxta section, you will need to identify the underlined part of speech.

For 11/4 and 5

Read "The Scarlet Ibis" and answer the questions here. Also, for the writing part of the Unit 2 test, you will write 6 sentences, three with a past participial phrase, three with a present participial phrase, each with an appositive and a vocabulary word from UNIT 2.

For 11/2 (Blocks 1 and 4)

Do the Vocabulary Review exercise for Unit 3. Also, for the writing part of the Unit 2 test which we will take next Tuesday/Wednesday: you will write 6 sentences, three with a past participial phrase, three with a present participial phrase, each with an appositive and a vocabulary word from UNIT 2.

For For 10/30

Do the exercises for Unit 3 and do the unscrambling exercise on participial phrases here.

For 10/28

Read "American History" by Judith Ortiz Cofer and answer the questions here. The text of the story can be found at the bottom of the question page.

For 10/22

Study for your vocabulary test and answer the questions here about the song "Everything that Glitters" by Dan Seals.

For 10/20

Do the Vocabulary Review exercise for Unit 2 here and make index cards.

For 10/15

Read "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant and answer the questions here.

For 10/9-10

Your summer reading essay, discussing how the two books relate to the quote by Rousseau, is due Friday at 10 pm. If you hand it in by 7 pm on Thursday, you will get 5 extra points. If you have handed it in by 9 this evening, you will receive between 5 and 10 extra points.

For 10/7-8

Read the passage for Unit 2 and do the exercises on 27 - 30.

For 10/5

Here is an extra credit assignment. It will be due next Tuesday or Wednesday, depending on which day you have class. I am once again postponing your summer reading essay's due date until next Friday evening. However, if you hand it in before next Wednesday, you will receive FIVE extra points. If it is handed in after 10 pm on Friday, you will lose FIVE points for every day it is late.


Study for the Unit 1 Vocabulary Test. The first part of the test is multiple choice. For the second part you will need to write 5 sentences, each with an appositive phrase and a word from Unit 1. I advise you to write the sentences in advance, and memorize them, as you will be given only 15 minutes to do this part of the test. Here is an example:

EX: After much circumspection, Marilyn refused to relinquish the jewelry, heirlooms from her recently deceased mother. (Of course, I have two words, "circumspection" and "relinquish"; you need one.)

For 9/30 or 10/1

Write an introduction to your summer reading essay based on the quote found here. Follow the format here.

NO HOMEWORK for the weekend. Also, I've deleted all accounts from turnitin that do not use a Preston email. If yours is one of them, please sign up again and resubmit your work.

turnitin.com: please enroll in your class on turnitin.com. Go here for instructions on how to do that.

Looking ahead: your vocabulary test on Unit 1 will be Thursday, 10/1 or Friday 10/2 and your summer reading essay will be due Monday, 10/5.

For 9/21-22

By Wednesday/Thursday, you should have enrolled on turnitin.com. In addition, please do the Vocabulary Review exercise for Unit 1 found here. For this exercise, you need to write a response to the question or statement. It is very important that you use the vocabulary word in your response.

For example, # 1 asks you to "describe a time when you were admonished by your parents for breaching the laws of etiquette". Your response might be:

I was once admonished by my father for breaching the laws of etiquette by eating with my hands at a PTA spaghetti dinner.