
  1. "How 'bout writing a composition for me, for English?"

  2. "Ask her if she still keeps all her kings in the back row."

  3. "My hand still hurts me once in a while, when it rains and all, and I can't make a real fist anymore - not a tight one, I mean - but outside of that I don't care much."

  4. "That's a professional secret, buddy."

  5. "What the hell was the fight about, anyhow?"

  6. "Listen. What's the routine on joining a monastery?"

  7. "Sleep tight, you morons!"

  8. "Well. He's a very sensitive boy. He's really never been a terribly good mixer with other boys. Perhaps he takes things a little more seriously than he should at his age."

  9. "Oh, I'll be alright and everything! It's right near the outside. And it's a very tiny one. They can take it out in about two minutes."

  10. "You know those ducks in Central Park South?That little lake? By any chance, do you happen to know where they go, the ducks, when it gets all frozen over?"

  11. "If you're gonna use that type language, I can go sit down with my girlfriends. "