VR - 11/12

  1. Name an actor or a movie (or both) that has recently received critical accolades.

  2. What year were American women accorded the right to vote?

  3. Name a character in a movie who demonstrates assiduity.

  4. How many people were killed in the carnage of WW2?

  5. Name someone with whom you share consanguinity but not temperament.

  6. Name someone in your extended family whom you don’t see very often but with whom you have a cordial relationship.

  7. Is corporal punishment ever acceptable?

  8. With which of your parents do you share a more corporeal resemblance?

  9. If you had the opportunity to serve in the Peace Corps, where would you go and what would you do?

  10. The Gospel of Mark and the Epistles of Paul are a part of which spiritual corpus?

  11. On what day was concordance reached among European nations after WW1 (the Great War)?

  12. In the 2008 presidential campaign, which candidate did George Bush endorse?

  13. Name a famous dissident.

  14. Name a food or activity that consistently enervates you.

  15. Are there any foods that give you gastric problems?

  16. Can you name a gastronome on TV?

  17. Do you consider yourself a sanguine person? Why or why not?

  18. Name a movie in which there is a séance scene.

  19. What time of day are you most sedentary?

  20. In your opinion, do close friendships supersede family ties?