Drama Activity

    1. If you dare to storm the castle my soldiers will annihilate you

    2. I just got a detention and that other girl didn’t get one. That teacher is arbitrary.

    3. Your brazen behavior will not be tolerated! Get out!

    4. I’m here to facilitate the discussion! Everyone calm down!

    5. I’m Kurt! I’m 11! I’m incorrigible! What’s incorrigible!

    6. Hey, gloomy Gus. Why you looking so morose?

    7. Did you see the new boy? His attitude is so mysterious and opaque. We need find out more about him.

    8. This is of paramount importance! If you can't take it seriously, get out!

    9. Prattle! Prattle! Prattle! All you ever do is talk!

    10. Can you believe that teacher reprimanded me in front of the entire class because I was two minutes late!? How embarrassing!

    11. Uch! This is such servitude! I’m exhausted!

    12. I will not pay for the slapdash work! Get out!

    13. I will not succumb to peer pressure. I will not smoke that cigarette.