Policy Sheet

Freshman English (9R)

Mr. Abel


Do you recognize the writers or characters pictured above?

What you will learn this year:

By the end of the year, the student should know...

...various literary genres.

...literary tools and devices.

...how to identify a writer's message.

...basic elements of grammar.

...how to use the new vocabulary in your writing.

...how to use phrases and clauses in your writing.

...the basic formatting of the writing section of the SAT.

...how to construct a coherent and well-organized piece of writing.

...how to identify credible and reliable sources and cite them in her writing.

How you will be graded:

40% = Quizzes, brief writing assignments and homework

60% = Tests and projects, e.g. vocabulary tests and major essays

Makeup Work Policy: You are expected to be present for all quizzes and tests and to hand in all writing assignments on time. It is your responsibility to stay informed about upcoming homework assignments, quizzes and tests. Missed quizzes cannot be made up. Tests may be made up, at the teacher’s discretion, within three school days of your absence.

My Expectations:

I expect each student to...

...come equipped to class with the requisite notebooks and writing tools.

...keep their cellphones off and in their bags. (Do you see the mistake here?)

...arrive for class on time and prepared to discuss her assignments.

...keep their drafts, revisions and final copies of all papers in their portfolios.

...maintain a respectful attitude toward her fellow classmates and the teacher with the intent of building a positive learning environment for all.

Discipline: A parent or guardian will be notified if a student has not completed her assignments, if a student is consistently unprepared for class, if a student’s behavior interferes with the learning environment, or if deemed necessary by the teacher. The teacher will issue demerits when necessary.


Caveat: KAHOOT!

Extra Help: If you find yourself having difficulty in the class, please feel free to ask me for help. I will let you know my schedule and when I am available. In addition, help with writing assignments is available at the Writing Center after school from 3 - 4 pm, Monday thru Thursday. You must sign up on the sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board outside the English department office before the day of your appointment. Your regular presence at the Writing Center will impact your grade in a VERY positive way! Ignoring the teacher’s suggestion to go to the Writing Center will impact your grade in a negative way!


Quarter One


Summer reading:

The Color of Water by James McBride

Short stories:

“Checkouts” by Cynthia Rylant, pg. 74

“ The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, pg. 294

“American History” by Judith Ortiz Cofer pg. 312

“The Scarlet Ibis’ by James Hurst, pg. 350

Glossary of literary and poetic terms

Vocabulary: Lessons 1 – 3

Grammar: Parts of speech, prepositional phrases, appositive phrases, participial phrases

Writing: Using vocabulary, writing about literature, Intro and MEAL formats

Quarter Two

Literature: The Diary of a Young Girl: Definitive Edition by Anne Frank

Vocabulary: Lessons 4 – 6

Grammar: Absolute phrases, adjectival phrases (relative clauses), adverbial phrases

Writing: Using vocabulary, responses to literature, Intro and MEAL formats, Informative writing

Quarter Three

Literature: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

Vocabulary: Lessons 7 – 9

Grammar: Writing a research paper

Writing: Using vocabulary, responses to literature, Intro and MEAL formats, Literary research paper

Quarter Four

Literature: Poetry project

Vocabulary: Lessons 10 – 15

Writing: Literary research paper

(Automatic failure for the year if the final research paper is not completed)

I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education.

- Wilson Mizner (1876 - 1933)