Persuasive speeches

    1. Abortion should be illegal.

    1. Abortion is a personal choice.

    1. Gay people should be allowed to adopt.

    1. Gay people should not be allowed to adopt.

    1. Creationism should be taught in schools.

    1. Creationism should not be taught in schools.

    1. Capital punishment should be abolished.

    1. Capital punishment is a just punishment for certain crimes.

    1. Gay people should be allowed to marry.

    1. Marriage is between a man and a woman.

    1. Euthanasia should be legal.

    1. Euthanasia should never nbe legal.

    1. Stem cell research should be funded by the government.

    1. The government should ban stem cell research.

    1. Immigrants who are here illegally should be allowed to stay.

    1. Immigrants who are here illegally should not be allowed to stay.

    1. Marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes.

    1. The use of marijuana and other drugs should be prohibited.

    1. The United States should offer reparations for slavery.

    1. In order to control population growth, the United States should allow each family to have only one child.

    2. Women should be not allowed to take combat roles in the military.

    1. Sex education should not be taught in schools.

    1. Sex education should be taught in schools.

    1. Smoking should not be allowed in any public spaces.

    1. Smoking should be allowed in private clubs and restaurants, according to the discretion of the owner.