Act 3 Questions

Read act 3 and answer the questions below. You may read the No Fear Shakespeare version of the act but you should cite the original text in your answers. This assignment is due Sunday afternoon by 4 to turnitin.

Act III, i, ii, iii, iv, v questions

Scene 1:

1. How does Mercutio use irony at the beginning of the scene?

2. How does Romeo respond to Tybalt's taunting and why does he respond in this way?

3. What literary tool does Mercutio use as he dies?

4. Romeo describes himself as "fortune's fool". Do you agree? Why or why not?

5. Give examples of words Benvolio uses in his description of the fight which reveal his bias.

6. What is the Prince's punishment? Do you think it is fair?

7. Identify two literary tools Shakespeare uses in this scene to comment on a specific theme.

Scene 2:

1. Why is Juliet so impatient for the nurse to return?

2. Describe Juliet’s rapidly changing attitudes toward Romeo in this scene.

3. What piece of news has upset Juliet the most?

4. What does the nurse promise to do?

Scene 3:

1. Explain Romeo’s reaction to the news of his banishment.

2. Romeo tells Friar Laurence that the priest cannot know or understand how Romeo feels. Why?

3. What argument does Friar Laurence use to prevent Romeo from killing himself?

4. Identify two literary tools Shakespeare uses in this scene to comment on a specific theme.

Scene 4:

1. What does Capulet tell his wife to say to Juliet?

Scene 5:

1. As Romeo is preparing to leave Juliet, what argument does she use to convince him to stay?

2. Just as Romeo is about to descend the rope ladder and leave Juliet, what does Juliet say about the way Romeo looks? What literary tool is used here?

3. What is Capulet’s reaction to Juliet’s threats?

4. How does Juliet’s attitude toward the nurse change?