Act II Questions

Act II Comprehension Questions


1. What evidence is there that Banquo is suspicious of Macbeth?

2. How does Shakespeare use imagery and personification in Macbeth's soliloquy in this scene?


1. What evidence is there that Lady Macbeth is not as strong as she would like to be?

2. Why do you think Shakespeare chooses for Duncan’s murder to take place off stage?

3. Identify and explain the meaning of the two images Shakespeare uses to emphasize the depth of Macbeth’s guilt. (lines 57 - 62)


1. How does Lennox describe the night?

2. How does Macbeth justify killing Duncan’s guards? Why does he really kill them?

3. Lady Macbeth takes centre stage twice in this scene. How does she do so and what is the purpose of each example?

4. What do Malcom and Donalbain decide to do at the end of this scene? Why do they make this choice?


1. Macduff refuses to go to Scone to see Macbeth crowned. What reasons do you think he has for his decision? What are your first impressions of Macduff (use this scene and the previous one)?


6. Paraphrase Banquo’s opening soliloquy. What does this speech reveal about his character?

7. Identify all of the reasons that Macbeth offers as to why Banquo must be killed.

8. Compare Macbeth’s role and demeanor in planning Banquo’s murder to the same elements in his planning of King Duncan’s murder. How is Macbeth changing?


9. Are the Macbeths content with having attained the crown? What evidence exists for your answer.

10. How does the Macbeth’s relationship appear to have changed?


11. How does Banquo save his son?

12. In terms of the prophecies, why is Fleance’s escape from the murderers significant?


13. In what way(s) does this scene mark the beginning of Macbeth’s downfall?


14. According to Hecate, what will be the central cause of Macbeth’s downfall?


15. Take a close look at the dialogue between Lennox and another Lord. What evidence is there in the speeches that would suggest a sarcastic tone?

16. What information does the Lord reveal concerning Macduff and Macbeth?