Landmark SC Project

Working with a partner, you will have two lessons to prepare a presentation about the landmark supreme court case you have been given. Your presentation must include a power point presentation. Distribution of cases will be determined by lottery, i.e. picking names from a cup. This assignment will be graded as a test score. Use my presentation on Loving v. Virginia as a model. It can be found at the bottom of this page.

Here are the requirements.

  1. You must have at least 6 slides.

  2. Each slide should contain no more than 6 bullet points with no more than 6 words each. (I won't be counting them, but the point is that you shouldn't READ off the slide. The bullet point is there as a reference. If you just read (and don't relate to your audience), it will negatively affect your grade.

  3. Your presentation should be no longer than 5 minutes.

  4. Your powerpoint should follow the same pattern mine does. Your presentation should explain the background of the case, the legal precedents, the arguments used by both sides, the decision and the implications for American society.

  5. Although it is okay to read the Wikipedia page, find additional sources and include them on the last slide of your power point. Below are some credible sources: