Policy Sheet

Sophomore English -

British Literature

Mr. Abel, Instructor

Do you recognize the authors and characters above?

Course Description: This course is intended to achieve the following objectives:

  • To provide you with a wide and varied sampling of British literature, including its major works and themes.

  • To give you the opportunity to reflect on and analyze those works through a variety of projects and writing assignments.

  • To help you master the skills needed in order to read critically and appreciatively, to communicate clearly both in writing and speaking and to use all research tools available, both traditional and technological.

  • To introduce new vocabulary and strengthen your ability to write and edit free of grammatical error.

  • To facilitate you in developing your unique and individual voice as a writer.

  • To help prepare you for the Regents and PSAT exams.

Grading Policy:

  • Quizzes, brief writing assignments and homework make up 40% of the student’s quarterly grade.

  • Tests and projects, including major essays, make up the other 60%.

  • Attendance, attitude, effort and class participation will also be considered.

  • Please review the Preston Student Handbook regarding school policy on absences and tardiness.

  • Students are expected to take responsibility for the quality of their work. Work that is not done neatly and/or does not follow class guidelines will receive a lower grade. Points will be deducted for work handed in late.

Makeup Work Policy: You are expected to be present for all quizzes and tests and to hand in all writing assignments on time. It is YOUR responsibility to stay informed about upcoming quizzes and tests. Tests may be made up, at the teacher’s discretion, within three school days of your absence.

Expectations: You are expected to:

  • come equipped to class with the requisite textbooks, notebooks and writing tools.

  • keep your textbooks COVERED AT ALL TIMES and in good condition.

  • keep your cellphone OFF and in your bag.

  • arrive for class on time and prepared to discuss your assignments.

  • keep your drafts, revisions and final copies of all papers in your portfolios.

  • maintain a respectful attitude toward your fellow classmates and the teacher with the intent of building a positive learning environment for all.

Discipline: A parent or guardian will be notified if a student has not completed her assignments, if a student is consistently unprepared for class, or if a student’s behavior interferes with the learning environment. The teacher will issue demerits when deemed necessary.

Extra Help: If you find yourself having difficulty in the class, please feel free to ask for help. I will let you know my schedule and when I am available. In addition, help with writing will be available at the Writing Center after school from 3 - 4 pm. You must sign up on the sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board outside the English department office.

2011 – 2012 Syllabus:

Quarter One – Literature:

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon


The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

The Legends of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table

Glossary of literary and poetic terms

Vocabulary: Lessons 1 – 4

Grammar: Appositive phrases, participial phrases, PSAT prep

Quarter Two – Literature: Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Vocabulary: Lessons 5 – 8

Grammar: Absolute phrases, prepositional phrases

Quarter Three - Literature: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Research paper

Vocabulary: Lessons 9 – 12

Grammar: Adjectival clauses, Adverbial clauses

Quarter Four - Literature: Twentieth Century British fiction and non-fiction

Vocabulary: Lessons 13 – 16

Preparing for the Regents examination

(Automatic failure for the year if the research paper is not completed)

Our age is being forcibly reminded that knowledge is no substitute for wisdom.

- Frank R. Barry