The Nun's Priest's Tale

Answer the following questions about "The Nun's Priest's Tale"

    1. Name and give a brief description of each of the main characters.

    2. What is the major conflict in the story?

    3. Describe each of Chauntecleer's dreams and stories. What is Pertelote's response?

    4. What is the climax of the story?

    5. What is the theme (the point) of the story?

    6. Paraphrase the following line: "Does God's exalted foreknowledge force me to do a thing, or is free choice granted me to do that thing or not do it." (26)

    7. What can we infer when the fox says that "your father - God bless his soul - and your mother too, out of great kindness, have been to my house, to my great enjoyment"?

    8. Cite 3 examples of Chaucer's use of allusion in this story. To what purpose does he make each allusion?