VR - Unit 10

VR – Unit 10/9R

adept bleak brevity chide comport demure

depreciate deteriorate diminutive divulge enlightened erroneous

exploit extemporaneous impair mire obtrusive proponent

recoil relentless slipshod squander

Respond to the prompts below:

  1. In what subject do you feel most adept?

  2. Do you find that bleak weather affects your mood? How?

  3. Name a social media app where brevity is essential and explain why.

  4. Describe a time when you are chided by your teacher.

  5. Name someone on TV who you believe comports herself in an admirable way. Explain.

  6. Do you prefer to dress demurely or more boldly? Explain.

  7. What might cause a car to depreciate in value?

  8. What two factors might cause a neighborhood to deteriorate?

  9. Name a type of dog which is especially diminutive.

  10. Name a celebrity who has recently divulged private information. What did they divulge?

  11. Name a religious figure who was enlightened. Give an example which illustrates that person’s enlightenment.

  12. Name two erroneous impressions that other schools might have about Preston.

  13. Name two ways in which an employer might exploit his workers.

  14. Name two occasions when one might be asked to give an extemporaneous speech.

  15. Name two behaviors that impair one’s ability to drive and should therefore be avoided when at the wheel.

  16. Name a celebrity who is mired in controversy. Explain.

  17. Name a movie/TV show character who is obtrusive and explain how that person is obtrusive.

  18. Name an issue for which you are a proponent and why.

  19. What is something that might cause you to recoil and why?

  20. What would you do if you had relentlessly noisy neighbors?

  21. What can Preston do to prevent students from looking slipshod in their uniforms?

  22. Have you ever squandered your money foolishly? Explain.