Research Paper

In the third quarter, you will write a three to four page research paper, exploring a thesis statement derived from one of the major works we have read so far this year. Since many of the works we have read are abridged, it makes sense to limit your choices to either Macbeth or Jane Eyre.

Below is the proposed schedule for the assignment:

February 22nd - Title and introductory paragraph due. This should be typed and properly formatted with a heading, as well as your last name and page number in the upper right corner. The title should NOT be in bold or underlined, unless it includes the title of the book, which should be italicized. The introduction should follow the ABCD format, with a clearly stated road map and thesis.

February 26th - Work Cited page due. This means you have looked for and read literary criticism (articles about the play or novel by reputable scholars) that specifically relate to the subject you intend to explore. Follow the MLA format.

March 8th - Outline due, including specific primary and secondary sources to be used. This means you have identified specific passages from both the primary and secondary sources that will provide evidence for each of your topic sentences. You should have at least one quote from the primary source and one quote from one of the secondary sources in each paragraph.

March 14th - First draft of paper due.

March 22th - Second draft of paper due, with hard copy for the teacher and submitted to

Please see WRITING under Mr. Abel's Website for more specific information about each of the assignments above.