VR - Unit 5

Choose one sentence for each of the 20 vocabulary words in Unit 5 and write a response:

    1. Name a time when you preformed an altruistic act.

    2. How do you gain your parents’ assent to go the movies?

    3. Describe a time when you had to acquire your parent’s assent.

    4. Name something for which you needed your parents assent.

    5. Name a celebrity who is the benefactor of a specific charity.

    6. Name a charity to which you would like to be a benefactor.

    7. Who is the most chivalrous person in your family?

    8. Name a situation in which you performed a chivalrous deed.

    9. Name a situation in which you begged your parents for clemency.

    10. Name a movie in which a character begs for clemency.

    11. Describe a situation when you asked a teacher or dean for clemency.

    12. Would you rather have a teacher who shows clemency or one who does not?

    13. Name a time in history when there was a dearth of sustaining resources, such as food.

    14. Name a time in history when a dearth of resources brought suffering.

    15. What would you do if there was a dearth of milk in your house?

    16. Name a situation in which you might be diffident.

    17. Name a time when you identified a discrepancy between the grade you thought you would get and the grade you actually got.

    18. From what port did the Titanic embark?

    19. How did you feel when you embarked on your journey at Preston?

    20. Name the Native American girl who embarked with Lewis and Clark on their expedition.

    21. In what subject do you feel most facile?

    22. Does one deserve clemency for being remiss about showing up for work?

    23. Describe a time when you displayed an indomitable spirit.

    24. Describe a situation in which someone displayed indomitable courage.

    25. Name an historical figure with an indomitable spirit.

    26. Name an athlete who seems infallible.

    27. In what matters is the Pope considered infallible?

    28. Is there a subject about which you feel infallible?

    29. Describe a time when you felt infallible.

    30. Describe a time when you had to plod through inclement weather.

    31. What class do you reluctantly plod to?

    32. Give an example of a pungent smell here at Preston.

    33. Name a food with a pungent smell.

    34. Name a cheese with a pungent smell.

    35. What pungent smell do you hate when you walk into a restaurant?

    36. How often are you remiss about doing your homework?

    37. Name a duty about which you are often remiss.

    38. At what time of day are you most in need of repose?

    39. Where do you go to repose after school?

    40. Describe a situation where you witnessed a display of temerity.

    41. Do you know any students that have the temerity to talk back to a teacher

    42. Is temerity a good thing? Why or why not?

    43. Describe a time when you witnessed truculent behavior in public.

    44. Name a character in a movie who displays truculent behavior.

    45. Have you ever dealt with a truculent person at Preston?

    46. Name a moment in which you felt unfeigned happiness.

    47. Describe a time in your life when you felt unfeigned joy.

    48. Describe a scene in a movie that showed unfeigned emotions between two characters.

    49. What disease has been virulent in the last 25 years?

    50. What disease is particularly virulent in Africa?

    51. Give an example of a time when someone was trying to sway you into supporting virulent views about something.