12R - HW

For 3/6

Email the names of your group (3 persons)

For 3/10

We will have a test on the terms on the Antecedent slideshow as as well as the names below:


Anna Held

Florenz Ziegfeld

Folies Bergere


Bert Williams

Josephine Baker

For 2/18 and 2/23

Write an essay about either The Mikado or Once on This Island explaining how the respective writers/composers use literary/theatrical tools to make a point. For example, in The Mikado, Gilbert uses meiosis to make a point about death, and how we manage our fears of it. In Once on This Island, Lynn Ahrens uses symbolism, through the tree, to make a point about the cycle of life and how all living things are connected. This essay is due to turnitin.com by Tuesday, February 18th.

Using the three articles here, and the discussions we have had in class, write a response to the articles we have read and the discussions we have had about "yellowface" and the issue of appropriation. When is it ok to "appropriate" someone's culture? When is it not ok? And what determines either conclusion? This essay is due to turnitin.com by Sunday, February 23rd.

The quiz on the Mikado vocab will be Wednesday, February 26th.

For 2/25

Once on This Island/The Mikado essay due. Quiz on vocab for The Mikado.






















In class on Wednesday, you will write an in-class essay, meant to be a first draft of your research paper. Your paper should have a clear, supportable thesis, and a clear, comprehensible road map. You do not need to include support from the primary or secondary sources. The point of this assignment is to lay a foundation for the ideas you intend to explore. You may use the sources; for example, if you are writing about the difference between justice and revenge, you will need to address the articles we read. However, this should not be the focus. The point is to find specific examples in the texts of how each character walks that line. If you have a computer, you can use it, but the essay must be written by hand.

For 12/18

Hand in an annotated bibliography (AB) in class. Go here for an explanation of what an AB is. Your AB should include a proper heading and your thesis statement at the top of the page. For this assignment you will need to find at least three secondary sources. For each source, you must include an MLA citation, the quote/s you plan to use from each article, and a short explanation of how/why you are using the quote. Here is an example:

Although Hamlet seeks revenge for personal reasons, in its entirety, the play is more concerned with the restoration of justice on a social level.

Bradley, A. C. “On Hamlet.” Hamlet, Chelsea House, 2008. Bloom's Literature, online.infobase.com/Auth/Index?aid=17021&itemid=WE54&articleId=48235. Accessed 5 Dec. 2019.

"But what Hamlet wanted was not a private revenge, to be followed by his own imprisonment or execution; it was public justice."

I chose this quote because it emphasizes Bradley's thesis that Hamlet was as concerned with the public sphere as he was the private sphere.

For 12/5

Read 3. 2 and 3 and answer the questions below:


1. According to Hamlet, why does Hamlet respect and admire Horatio?

2. Give specific examples of Hamlet feigning madness in the scene.

3. How do the jokes Hamlet makes with Ophelia differ from his advice in the previous scene?

4. How does the play within the play mirror the reality in the court?

5. How does Claudius react? What larger meaning does his reaction signify?

6. In his conversation with Rosencrantz and Guidenstern, Hamlet uses a metaphor to explain attitude toward his friends. Explain.


What plan does Claudius have for R & G? For Polnius?

Remember to use textual evidence, when necessary, to support your answers. This work should be on turnitin by Thursday morning, 8 a.m.

Enter this contest for Extra Credit.

On 11/25 we will have a quiz on the words here. Also, you must hand in a statement of the content of your research paper. I will need to know the work or works you will focus on and the theme/subject/literary tool/idea you will explore. This statement should be presented as a thesis/road map by Thursday, 11/21.

Here are the words you will be tested on:

  1. ablutions

  2. archaic

  3. brandish

  4. coiffure

  5. coquettish

  6. dissipate (from Sondheim's notes)

  7. ferocity

  8. furtive

  9. microcosm

  10. mountebank

  11. perilous

  12. proclivities

  13. remiss

  14. rue

  15. tyrannical

For 11/15

Read II.ii up to the Player's entrance and answer these questions:

1. How does the first part of this scene echo the previous scene between Polonius and Reynaldo and what does it say about the court?

2. What do we find out about Fortinbras and how does his behavior differ from Hamlet's?

3. What is Claudius seeking to find out though Rosencrantz and Guildenstern?

4. Explain Gertrude's line, "More matter with less art." (2.2.103), and how does it relate to Polonius' character?

5. Give examples of how Hamlet "feigns madness" in his conversation with Polonius?

By Friday at 9 a.m. to turnitin.com

For 11/7

Read 1.3 and answer these questions. Cite the text (economically) to support your answers:

  1. What advice does Laertes give his sister?

  2. Why does he give Ophelia this advice?

  3. What does her response say about her?

  4. In your opinion, what is the most valuable piece of advice Polonius gives his son? Why?

  5. How does Polonius' tone change when he speaks to Ophelia?

Hand it in to turnitin.com by 9 a.m. on Thursday.

For Friday, 11/1

Read I.ii. You will be quizzed.

These are the words on which you will be quizzed Tuesday:

impeccable moralize inconspicuous subtle saturnine

brooding self-absorption succumb slatternly concede

obsequious lecherous demure contrite droll

For Saturday, 10/19

The point of this assignment, due Saturday at 8 p.m., is to provide fodder for what will ultimately become your research paper. You can write about one or all of the revenge tragedies we will study: Medea, Sweeney Todd and Hamlet.

I propose one of TWO possibilities.

1. The first is to write about each work through the lens of Aristotle's Poetics. For this choice you will analyze how each work fulfills Aristotle's ideas about tragedy, namely, that the audience should experience pity and fear, and that the protagonist is brought down by his/her own weakness. For the assignment due Saturday, you would write two paragraphs about Medea.

2. The second option is to read about the difference between vengeance and justice and to apply what you read to any or all of the three tragedies. The paragraphs you submit on Saturday will of course focus on only Medea. Below are three articles that discuss the difference.




Of course, you can also choose to focus on a topic of your own choosing, but the two paragraphs due Saturday should focus on one of the above.

The test on 10/15 will consist of a multiple choice section about the story of Medea. In addition, there will be a vocabulary section testing the following words:

  1. abject

  2. banal

  3. befuddled

  4. censurable

  5. cogently

  6. compound

  7. dowry

  8. harrowing

  9. fruition

  10. haven

  11. importunate

  12. incarnated

  13. indulgent

  14. integrates

  15. lacerating

  16. mordant

  17. saturates

  18. scant

  19. proxy

  20. prurience

  21. repudiate

  22. tedium

  23. thwarted

  24. uncouth

  25. volcanically

Also, there will be a theater terms section where you will need to define various terms. These are the words you need to know:

  1. Aristotle's formula

  2. Castrati

  3. Catharsis

  4. Chorus

  5. City of Dionysia Drama Festival

  6. Dafne

  7. Dionysus

  8. Dythiramb

  9. Hamartia

  10. Aeschylus and his innovations

  11. Sophocles and his innovations

  12. Euripides and his innovations

  13. Oedipus Rex

  14. Orkestra

  15. Skene

  16. Thespis

  17. Tragos

  18. The sun as a metaphor

Below are the Common App prompts for your college essay. Use them as a guide, but take note that #7 allows you to write about whatever you like. This should be handed in to turnitin by 8 p.m. on Friday, the 20th.

  1. Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

  2. The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

  3. Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

  4. Describe a problem you've solved or a problem you'd like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma—anything that is of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.

  5. Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

  6. Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

  7. Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you've already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

For 9/12

Finish your summer reading essay. Also, your summer reading assignment should be handed in to turnitin.com by Saturday. Please bring me a hard copy as well.

5/7 - Test on The Sound of Music

For Tuesday, 4/16, find two reviews of the original production (1959) of The Sound of Music, summarize and compare them. Be sure to cite each review and submit it to turnitin.com by 9 pm on Tuesday, the 16th.

In addition to giving you a zero, I will take 10 points off your final grade for every assignment not handed in this quarter.

Extra credit for As You Like It:

Write two paragraphs, following the MEAL format, explaining what the play is about. For example, one of the themes of the play is the role of women. To examine this theme, you would need to write about how Shakespeare and this production make a point about the role of women. How is Rosalind confined by her femininity at the beginning of the play, and how does dressing as a man free her? How does her experience differ from that of Celia? What is Shakespeare trying to say about what it means to be a woman? (This will be a test grade and it should be handed in to turnitin.com)

For 3/4

The research paper grades are posted on turnitin.com. Many of you did not pass because you did not include secondary sources in your body paragraphs. (There should be a secondary source in EVERY body paragraph!) Also, some of your secondary sources were not acceptable, i.e. Shmoop, SparkNotes. In addition, the Works Cited pages were not formatted correctly. Go here for a reminder.

You should use the snow day to work on your research papers.

There is a new assignment on turnitin where you can submit your revised paper.

Your research paper is due on February 9th. If you hand it in on this date, you will receive 5 to 10 extra points. After the 16th, I will take off 5 points a day.

For 2/15

Do exercises for Unit 3.

For 2/5

Do the VR exercise for Unit 14 here.

The midterm:

40 multiple choice

20 reading comprehension

40 writing

You need to watch the first two videos on the history of theater, reread the opening section of the Medea text, and review your notes on the last acts of Hamlet.

Your research paper is due on February 9th.

For 1/12

Hand in a first draft of your research paper to turnitin.com. Here is a link to the essential questions. Your paper should be at least 4 pages, NOT including the Works Cited page. The intro should follow this format:

1. General statement

2. Quote, anecdote, statistic

3. If you use a quote, explain it.

3. Introduce the play.

4. Relate the play to the quote

5. Road map and thesis

Here is a link to the info you need for turnitin.com.

For 12/3

Do the exercises for unit 12 in your vocabulary book.

For 11/28

We will have a test on Unit 5.

For 10/25

Do the exercises for Unit 2 in your vocabulary book. By next Tuesday, October 30th, everyone should give me a new draft of their college essay. It will be graded.

For 10/19

For the vocabulary test on Friday, you will be expected to know the antonyms and synonyms.

For 9/25

Hand in a first draft of your college essay.

For 9/17

Read the passage and do the exercises “Choosing the Right Word” and “Completing the Sentence” for unit 15 in your vocabulary book.

For 9/13

We will have an in class essay on the summer reading.

Bring your vocabulary books to the next lesson.