
India: ‘Disgusted’ by Her Dating, Man Beheads His Daughter, 20

Associated Press

Oghad Singh was charged with the murder of his daughter.

A man in northwestern India was unrepentant on Tuesday after beheading his daughter with a ceremonial sword in a rage over her relationships with men, the police said. The father, Oghad Singh of Dungarji village in Rajasthan State, surrendered at the Charbhuja police station, carrying the head of his 20-year-old daughter in one hand and the bloodied sword in the other. The police said Mr. Singh, above, at the police station, accused his daughter of bringing dishonor to the family and making it hard to find husbands for her two unmarried sisters. The daughter, Manju Kanwar, left her husband from an arranged marriage two years ago, moved back home to live with her parents and recently began seeing several men, which “disgusted” her father, Deputy Police Superintendent Umesh Ojha said. When she eloped with a man two weeks ago, her father forced her to return on Sunday and killed her, Mr. Ojha said. Mr. Singh, 46, has been charged with murder.