VR -14/15

Choose a prompt below for each of the vocabulary words and write a response. Be sure to use the word in your answer.

  1. Has anyone ever abased your self-esteem?

  2. Name a time when you were abased in public.

  3. Name a country that has annexed territory?

  4. Why did Anne Frank hide in a secret annex?

  5. Give examples of territory the U.S has annexed.

  6. Have you ever had a boorish teacher?

  7. Are you more boorish at home or in public?

  8. Have you ever encountered a boorish worker at the mall?

  9. Do you consider yourself a cordial person?

  10. Who is the cornerstone of your family?

  11. What is the cornerstone of a good relationship

  12. What is the cornerstone of the Preston philosophy?

  13. What is the cornerstone of American democracy?

  14. What is the cornerstone of your religious belief?

  15. Did the debacle of Hurrican Sandy affect you or your family in any way?

  16. Name a sports event game that was considered a debacle.

  17. Have you ever experienced a situation become a debacle?

  18. Name an animal that is dormant in the winter.

  19. During what season are you most dormant?

  20. Would you live near a dormant volcano?

  21. What is one dubious assumption people make about Preston.

  22. What is the most dubious excuse you've ever given a teacher.

  23. Name a fact that you've come across that seems of dubious authenticity.

  24. Have you ever been emroiled in a conflict at school?

  25. Name a celebrity who has been exonerated.

  26. What type of evidence might exonerate someone of a crime?

  27. Name a time when you were exonerated for something you didn't do.

  28. Have you ever responded glibly to a traumatic event?

  29. Have you ever spoken glibly to a teacher?

  30. Give an example of a character who speaks in a glib manner.

  31. On what subject are you regularly harangued by your parents?

  32. Under what circumstances would you harangue a fellow classmate?

  33. When do you harangue your siblings?

  34. Have you ever been impenitent about something wrong you've done?

  35. Have you ever incited a drama amongst your friends?

  36. What character in Romeo and Juliet incites people?

  37. Have you ever incited an argument?

  38. Name something that can incite a riot.

  39. What might incite a rage in you?

  40. Name a politician who tends to incite drama.

  41. What nationalities are part of your pedigree?

  42. Have your grades experienced any precipitous change this year?

  43. Have you ever made a decision in a precipitous manner?

  44. Describe a precipitous ride that you've been on.

  45. What can be done about the profuse amount of garabage in the oceans?

  46. When have you offered profuse apologies about something?

  47. Are you more likey to shorten or protract an uncomortable conversation?

  48. What project this year was the most protracted?

  49. How often do you reconcile your sins through confession?

  50. Name a TV show episode that involves the reconciliation of two estranged friends.

  51. How long does it take for you and your siblings to reconcile after a fight?

  52. Are you more likely to reconcile with a friend after an argument or wait for the friend to apologize?

  53. What subterfuge do you use when you haven't done your homeowork?

  54. What is a subterfuge you have used to hide something from your parents?