MLA essay

For this assignment, you will write a two - paged paper about how J.D. Salinger uses a specific literary tool or tools, such as symbolism and/or internal conflict, to explore a particular theme, such as "the phoniness of the adult world" or "coming to terms with grief" or "the consequences of alienation". As this is a research paper, you will need to use quotes from The Catcher in the Rye, as well as literary criticism about the novel. You will be expected to cite both the primary source (the novel) and a secondary sources in each body paragraph. I will give you one of the secondary sources; you will be expected to find one other on your own, as well as reference the video above. You will have three secondary sources and these should be listed on your works cited page, along with the novel.

Each body paragraph should follow the MEAL format and include...

...a main idea (how Salinger uses a literary tool to illustrate/explore a theme)

...a quote from the primary source as part of your evidence

...a quote from a secondary source as part of your analysis

...a link back to the theme

Your paper will begin with an introduction. The introduction should follow the format you have learned in class, beginning with a quote (of your choice) and ending with a thesis statement/road map. The essay should end with a conclusion which summarizes your essay's main points.

The essay is due on January 23rd to