Crucible Essay

Essay on The Crucible 2016

Answer ONE of the following essay questions. Be sure your introduction contains a clear THESIS statement. Use specifics from the play to support (that means using direct quotes!) and follow the MEAL format in your body paragraphs.

You will receive a 5-point-per-day-late deduction if the hard copy is not handed in during class AND if it is not submitted to TURNITIN.COM on the due date of Thursday 12/15. If you hand it in by Saturday AT 10, you will get 10 extra points. For Monday, you get five extra points.

Please go to Writing Center.

1. How do the opposing viewpoints of Rev. Hale and John Proctor at the end of Act 4 differ? What does this illustrate about each character?

2. Discuss what motivates the characters in The Crucible to cry witch. What are the true (and generally hidden) motives of some of the characters and what does this illustrate about each character? (If you've learned about the Seven Deadly Sins in Religion class, you might want to focus on how each character relates to one of those.)

3. How is John Proctor a representative of individual freedom and how are the Salem court (Judge Danforth and Judge Hathorne) and Puritan theocracy representatives of the repression of individual freedom?

4. Discuss the character of Elizabeth Proctor or the character of Reverend Hale. Does he/she change/grow throughout the play? Does he/she become stronger/weaker? How?

5. If The Crucible is a play about redemption, who is redeemed? How?