Close Reading - Chapter 26

1. What is a "current event"?

A. Something significant happening in the country or world these days

B. Something significant happening in your neighborhood these days

C. Flooding in a river or a lake.

D. The airing of a special performance, like the Grammys

2. Based on the text, one can conclude that Little Chuck Little:

A. has an extensive understanding of rural life.

B. has an extensive understanding of city life.

C. hates school.

D. loves his family.

3. From the phrase "seizing an opportunity to make education dynamic", we can conclude that Miss Gates:

A. always follows a lesson plan.

B. is willing to stop the lesson to explain an important point.

C. is impulsive.

D. hates teaching.

4. On page 280, the word "dynamic" most closely means:

A. Boring

B. Positive

C. Effective

D. Opinionated

5. On page 281, the word "inquiring" most closely means:

A. Curious

B. Bored

C. Innocent

D. Frightened

6. The fact that Cecil asks whether Jews are "white" suggests that he:

A. has a special love of the Jewish people.

B. has adopted the prejudices of his society.

C. believes that no people should be persecuted.

D. hasn't paid attention in class.

7. We can infer that Scout is confused because:

A. she doesn't understand how the German people would tolerate Hitler.

B. she doesn't understand why Hitler hates the Jews.

C. she wants to believe the best in people.

D. she sees a connection between Maycomb and Nazi Germany.

8. We can infer that Jem cuts Scout off because:

A. he agrees with Miss Gates about Tom Robinson.

B. he is tired of Scout's questions.

C. he is still confused and disgusted by the events in the courthouse.

D. he wants to focus on making the football team.

9. On page 283, the word "lest" can best be replaced by all the below EXCEPT:

A. 'in order to avoid'

B. "in case"

C. "so that"

D. "for fear that"