Act I Questions

Act I, scene i

1. How does the play Macbeth open up in the first scene? What tone/mood/atmosphere is created?

2. The last line “Fair is foul and, foul is fair” appears paradoxical. What do you think the witches mean?

Act I, scene ii

1. What does the Captain report about the battle to King Duncan?

2. What title is given to Macbeth for bravery in battle?

3. Although Macbeth does not appear in this scene, the audience learns a great deal about him. What impressions does the audience get? Why might this impression be an important aspect in the building of a tragic character?

4. Choose two similes used in this scene and explain the comparisons.

Act I, scene iii

1. How do the witches greet Macbeth after the battle? How do Macbeth and Banquo react?

2. By the end of the scene, Macbeth decides not to kill King Duncan. What does this emphasize about Macbeth’s character? Why might it be important to establish this quality early in the play?

Act I, scene iv

1. Duncan appears to be a kind and generous King; however, he can be seen as having at least one major shortcoming. What is it? Provide evidence to support your point.

2. What imagery does King Duncan use when he is praising Macbeth and Banquo?

Act I, scene v

1. The opening sentence in Macbeth’s letter makes it very clear how he feels about the Weird Sisters. What is his opinion of them?

2. Lady Macbeth provides the audience with more information about her husband’s character. What does she say? From what you know thus far of Macbeth’s character, would you agree?

3. One of the major themes is Macbeth is the idea of appearance vs. reality. The Weird Sisters introduce this theme when they state in scene i, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair”. In review of the previous scenes, list examples of the deceptive nature of appearances. (*Focus on this scene in particular*)

Act 1, scene 6

1. The opening dialogue between King Duncan and Banquo depends on dramatic irony for its full effect. Why?

2. Describe Lady Macbeth’s welcoming of King Duncan. What effect does she create? What kinds of imagery does her speech use?

Act 1, scene 7

3. In the opening soliloquy, Macbeth offers numerous reasons why it would be wrong to kill King Duncan. What are those reasons?

4. Lady Macbeth uses powerful language in her attempt to deal with Macbeth’s wavering. Explain three arguments Lady Macbeth uses to persuade her husband to go through with the plan.

5. What does this scene reinforce about Lady Macbeth’s character?

6. How do the last few lines of this scene echo something said by the Weird Sisters in Act 1, scene 1?