Drama Activity

  1. The amenities are really impressive. I love the heated pool.

  2. Don't talk back! No dissidence will be tolerated!!

  3. She's so bouji with her epicurean tastes.

  4. Plan ahead! You are improvident! You have no one to blame but yourself!

  5. Look at this den of iniquity. You should be ashamed! Get out!

  6. This rule is inviolable! It cannot be challenged!

  7. One day yes, the next day no. You are so mutable!

  8. I demand obeisance! (pointing to floor)

  9. My, my, my, that was quite a panegyric!

  10. I will not be pilloried! I demand respect! Get out!

  11. You call this a paycheck?! I call this a pittance! I quit!

  12. (Falsetto) The oracle presages a beautiful future.

  13. I feel restive. Let's do something already!