The Battle with Grendel

A. Find synonyms for the words below from "The Battle with Grendel". Then answer the questions that follow:

  1. traveled

  2. hinges

  3. door frame

  4. shockingly repellent

  5. savored

  6. chew

  7. overwhelmed

  8. claws

  9. boast

  10. twisting

  11. survive

  12. built

  13. stretched tightly

  14. dulled

  15. muscles

  16. curse

B. Answer the following questions about 'The Battle with Grendel'. (Remember to include the line number where you found the answer.)

  1. What is different about Herot this time Grendel attacks?

  2. What adjectives does the author use to describe Grendel in this passage?

  3. How many warriors does Grendel murder in this passage?

  4. What is Beowulf pretending to do as Grendel enters Herot?

  5. What thoughts cross Grendel's mind as Beowulf seizes him?

  6. Who/what does 'the guardian of crime' (line 325) refer to?

  7. Who/what does 'Higlac's follower' (line 333) refer to?

  8. Who/what does 'the Almighty's enemy' (line 360) refer to?

  9. Who/what does 'the mighty protector of men' (line 366) refer to?

  10. What is the 'final boast' referred to in lines 334-335?

  11. What do Beowulf's men do as he battles Grendel?

  12. How does the narrator suggest this fight is a battle between good and evil?

  13. How do the Dane's react to Grendel's departure?

  14. What image ends the passage?