12/13 drama exercise

1. I cannot listen to this song ad infinitum! Turn it off!!

2. You're not the boss of me, you...you...autocrat!!!

3. Hold your blasphemous tongue, you infidel!!!

4. This situation is intolerable! I gotta go!

5. Spare me the sordid details and get out!

6. Her humor is so irreverent!! I shouldn't laugh but she's hilarious!

7. Your efforts to undermine me are subversive!

8. Honey, did you blanch the onions? I need you to blanch the onions!

9. Is this a prelude to future problems or are we done now?

10. I am vindicated! Set me free!

11. I will not concede! I will never concede!

12. Your position is untenable. I suggest you concede now.

13. My, my, is this a bona fide Picasso or just a counterfeit?

14. I won’t stand for your venomous attack on my character! Get out!

15. Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate!