VR - 3/4

  1. Name 3 patriarchs from the Old Testament.

  2. How can the matrix a person grows up in affect his or her future?

  3. Name a TV show where 2 characters (not brothers) share a fraternal bond.

  4. Give an example of a society which was a matriarchy.

  5. Name a TV character that is particularly patronizing.

  6. Other than an uncle, do you have an avuncular figure in your life?

  7. Name a show that includes an uxorious husband.

  8. Explain the difference between bigamy and monogamy.

  9. Do you enjoy fraternizing with people you don't know at a party?

  10. In what year will you matriculate into college?

  11. Do you know anyone who received a patrimony after a relative died?

  12. Is there a particular restaurant or store that you like to patronize?

  13. What qualities does a good pedagogue possess?

  14. What is the essence of a good education?

  15. Name 3 technologies that have become or will soon become moribund.

  16. When did the Italian Renaissance occur?

  17. Describe an experience you’ve had that left you mortified.

  18. Describe a recent episode in which your behavior may be described as puerile.

  19. Do you have any innate talents?

  20. Name 3 nascent singers of today.

  21. Do you think euthanasia is wrong?

  22. Name a character on TV that displays pedantic behavior.

  23. What kind of injury might require an orthopedist?

  24. When has someone made you feel like a non-entity?

  25. Under what circumstances might a postmortem be necessary?

  26. Can you recall a naïve belief you held as a child?

  27. What elements contribute to a positive educational matrix?

  28. Outside of your family, with whom do you share a familial bond?

  29. Why is monogamy morally right?

  30. In what ways is the Catholic Church an example of a patriarchy?

  31. Name a country that was/is run by a matriarch.

  32. Would you rather live in a matriarchal or patriarchal society? Why?

  33. What kinds of patronizing comments have you heard from the upperclassmen?