Works Cited

Your Works Cited page should follow MLA formatting. In the upper right hand corner of the page should be your name and the page number with no punctuation. The page should be double spaced and the title "Works Cited" should be at the top: not in bold, not underlined, the first letters of both words capitalized. Below that you should list your sources, in alphabetical order according to the last name of the author. These should also be double spaced and every line after the first line of each should be indented. You may use a site like to figure out how to arrange the information. For example, in my paper, I want to cite the article "I"m Good" by Stephen Marche. After copying and pasting the url in easybib, it gave me the following:

Marche, Stephen. "‘I’m Good. I’m Really Good. Damn I’m Good.’." The New York Times. The New York Times, 20 July 2013. Web. 07 May 2015.

I would then copy and paste this to a Word document, make sure it's double-spaced and indent every line after the first line. Below you will find a Word document of a mock Works Cited page. If any of this is not clear, please feel free to ask me. I recommend that you sign up for Writing Center to make sure you've done it correctly before handing it in.