NFS unscrambled

5. Ah, I wish my dirty flesh could melt away into a vapor, or that God had not made a law against suicide. Oh God, God!

3. How tired, stale, and pointless life is to me. Damn it! It’s like a garden that no one’s taking care of, and that’s growing wild. Only nasty weeds grow in it now.

1. I can’t believe it’s come to this. My father’s only been dead for two months—no, not even two.

4. Such an excellent king, as superior to my uncle as a god is to a beast, and so loving toward my mother that he kept the wind from blowing too hard on her face.

8. Oh God, do I have to remember that? She would hang on to him, and the more she was with him the more she wanted to be with him; she couldn’t get enough of him.

9. Yet even so, within a month of my father’s death (I don’t even want to think about it. Oh women! You are so weak!)

7. Even before she had broken in the shoes she wore to his funeral, crying like crazy—even an animal would have mourned its mate longer than she did.

10. There she was marrying my uncle, my father’s brother, who’s about as much like my father as I’m like Hercules. Less than a month after my father’s death, even before the tears on her cheeks had dried, she remarried.

6. Oh, so quick to jump into a bed of incest! That’s not good, and no good can come of it either.

2. But my heart must break in silence, since I can’t mention my feelings aloud.