VR - Unit 4

    1. Name a club or oganization at Preston with which you are affiliated.

    2. Describe a situation in which you were affiliated with belligerent people.

    3. How might you ascertain the meaning of a word you don't know.

    4. What have you ascertained about life through your experiences here at Preston?

    5. What is an attainment of which you are proud?

    6. What is something you have attained in your life?

    7. Decsribe a situation in which you were esteemed for something you attained.

    8. What is a quality you possess that you hope to bequeath to your children?

    9. Name an item that has been bequeathed to you by your parents or grandparents.

    10. How do your parents bequeath their knowledge and wisdom to you?

    11. What is a material object you you would like your parents to bequeath to you?

    12. In the last presidential election, whose arguments did you find most cogent and why?

    13. Have you ever been compelled to do something as a result of a cogent argument that you heard?

    14. Describe a situation where you had to make a cogent argument to your parents.

    15. Where do Preston students converge for "homerom on a stick"?

    16. What is the difference between convergent and divergent plates?

    17. At what time do Preston students disperse for the day?

    18. Why did the Jews have to disperse from the land of Israel?

    19. Name a method the police might use to disperse a belligerent crowd.

    20. Name a celebrity whom you esteem.

    21. Name a person whom you esteem and why.

    22. Have you ever expunged someone from your life? If so, why?

    23. Is there an experience you would like to expunge from your memory?

    24. Which moment in your life, if any, would you like to expunge?

    25. Which event of your life do you wish was not finite?

    26. Do you have a finite time do you have to be home on the weekends?

    27. Do you have a finite amount of minutes on your phone plan?

    28. Name a superhero who is invulnerable to pain.

    29. Describe a situation in which you were invulnerable to peer presuure.

    30. Have you ever been the victim of a malevolent person?

    31. Name a malevolent character in a movie.

    32. Do you remain nonchalant under pressure?

    33. Name a novel which has an omniscient narrator.

    34. When studying, are you more cursory or scrupulous?

    35. Name an activity that requires scrupulous attention.

    36. Name a TV show or movie in which the antagonist engages in skulking.

    37. Name a supercilious character from a Tv show or movie. In what way is this character supercillious?

    38. Do you have any uncanny talents about which no one knows?

    39. Give an example a of venial sin.