Chapter 1

“The last time I remember using my knife was when I took it out to cut a strap for you. I don’t remember putting it in my pocket again.” (Eliot 11)

Who is speaking?

Who is “you”?

Why doesn’t the speaker remember putting the knife back in his/her pocket?

Why is this moment significant for the character who says it?

Chapter 2

“He hated the thought of the past; there was nothing that called out his love and fellowship towards the strangers he had come amongst; and the future was all dark, for there was no Unseen Love that cared for him.” (Eliot 14)

Who is “he”?

Why was there “nothing that called out his love and fellowship”?

What does Eliot mean by “Unseen Love”?

How does this line relate to Eliot’s biography?

Chapter 3

“Hold your tongue about Miss Nancy, you fool, else I’ll throttle you.” (Eliot 25)

Who is speaking?

Who is “you”?

Who is Miss Nancy?

What is the secret between the two characters in this conversation?

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 ends “So he stepped forward into the darkness.”

Who is “he”?

Explain this sentence both literally and figuratively?