VR - 5/6

1. In what ways does Preston promote an amicable atmosphere?

2. Can you think of a celebrity of whom you are enamored?

3. With which countries did the United States have an inimical relationship during WWII?

4. With which countries does the United States share amity?

5. Name a modern philanthropist. How much has this person contributed to the public welfare?

6. Name an odious character on a TV show.

7. Name two characters in our reading who are bibliophiles.

8. Do you suffer from any of the following phobias: acrophobia, xenophobia or hydrophobia?

9. How might you appease an hysterical 3 year old?

10. How is it possible to generate pacific feelings within a family?

11. Do you consider yourself a pacifist?

12. Are there any celebrities you feel antipathy for?

13. Name a TV character with whom you deeply empathize.

14. About which subject in school do you feel the most apathy?

15. Name a character on TV for whom you feel pathos.

16. Are men or women more likely to be misogamistic?

17. Name one rapper whose lyrics are particularly misogynistic.

18. In order to avoid contracting dysentery in a Third World country, what should you do?

19. Is there anything you covet?

20. Do you know anyone with an implacable temperament?