
You are required to write a research paper in which you do an in-depth analysis of one of the works we have studied this year. This will count as 2/3 of your FINAL EXAM grade, so please give it the time and effort it deserves. The other 1/3 of your exam grade will be your evaluation of your previous research papers and your thoughts on the evolution of your writing and research skills over the past academic years. We will discuss the details of this later.

For the research paper, you may choose from the following:

Of Mice and Men, The Bluest Eye, The Crucible, The Great Gatsby, The essays of Emerson and/or Thoreau (Transcendentalism), Emily Dickinson, or Walt Whitman, possibly One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

A literary analysis research paper is similar in many ways to the analytical essays you have been writing all along; you need a thesis statement (the point you are trying to prove) and you must cite evidence from the text, especially direct quotes, to back up your contentions. It differs from these papers in that the research paper is longer and contains evidence from outside sources (including quotes), in addition to evidence from the text, to back up your argument. The body paragraphs should logically follow MEAL and each body paragraph should contain evidence from the primary source AND support from a legitimate critic. Failure to adequately document your sources constitutes plagiarism and is a serious breach of ethics. It will result in a failing grade.

The Specifics of the Paper


4-5 pages


Times New Roman, 12 pt., double-spaced; 1” margins


MLA – when in doubt, look it up or see me with questions

Number of Sources:

Your PRIMARY SOURCE (the work(s) you are analyzing) and a minimum of three secondary sources. Sources should be scholarly sources only (no Spark’s Notes, no Cliff’s Notes, no online blogs, no Wikipedia, etc.) If in doubt, come to the Writing Center for a consultation or ask me.

Possible topics can include but are not limited to:

The Bluest Eye – how society influences Pecola’s self-image; the non-existent American Dream

Of Mice and Men – what is Steinbeck saying about the marginalized/powerless people; what is Steinbeck saying about the American Dream?

The Crucible – motives of characters to cry witch; influence of setting; why Arthur Miller wrote the play; John Proctor as a tragic hero

The Great Gatsby – how Fitzgerald’s life influenced the novel; symbols and their meaning; role of women; the corruption of the American Dream

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest – McMurphy as a Christ figure; the role of women; is it an misogynistic novel?; McMurphy as anti-hero

How the elements of Transcendentalism are seen in Emerson and/or Thoreau


Introduction - 10 points – the only part you are able to revise

Tuesday, 4/4

Working Bibliography – 10 points

(Preliminary list of primary and secondary sources, done in MLA style)

Monday, 4/10

Annotated Bibliography – 15 points

(Revised list of primary/secondary sources, done in MLA style,

with an explanation of the value of the source to your paper –

handed in during class AND submitted to Turnitin)

Thursday, 4/27

Detailed Outline – 25 points

(handed in during class AND submitted to Turnitin)

Monday, 5/8

Final Draft (paper and Works Cited page, all done in MLA style,

handed in during class AND submitted to Turnitin) – 40 points

Tuesday, May 23rd

There will be a late deduction of 3 points PER DAY, PER ASSIGNMENT

for each section of the paper missed

There will be no exceptions (e.g. computer problems, etc…) Anticipate problems; plan wisely. There will be a late deduction of 5 points per day for failing to submit to TURNITIN.COM on time. There will be a deduction of 50% of the final paper grade if it is not submitted to TURNITIN.COM at all. SUBMIT under “Final Paper”

As per English department policy, failure to complete this assignment will result in a failing grade for junior year English and you will be required attend summer school in order to complete this requirement