HW: 9R

April 22nd and 23rd will be the Placement Test for Honors.

Third Quarter Vocab Tests:

2/13 Unit 7

3/11 Unit 8

3/30 Unit 9

For 3/17

Do the vocab review exercise here.

For 3/13

Do the exercises for unit 9 in your vocab book.

For 3/11

Finish the sentences based on the drama exercise prompts and hand them in at the beginning of the next class.

For 3/5

Read II.iv and II.v and submit the answers to the questions here to turnitin.com.

Extra credit opportunity for Friday, 2/28:

Draw Mercutio's Queen Mab speech, illustrating the imagery. So, for example, the Queen is in a carriage that should have spiders' legs for spokes and a cover of "the wings of grasshoppers" (I.iv.65). This should be drawn by you, not downloaded from the internet, copied and colored in. It should include quotes from the text to explain your drawing.


Memorize lines 97-99 in I.iii

For 3/3

Do the VR for unit 8 here. Use one prompt per word.

For the break:

Do the exercises for Unit 8 in your vocabulary book.

Extra Credit: Go see Once on This Island and write a two paragraph essay explaining 1.) the point the writers are trying to make 2.) the literary or theatrical tools they use to make their point. Due February 18th to turnitin.com.

I'm out sick today. Please do the following:

Write the sentences for the vocabulary test. You will not need to write them on Thursday but we WILL take the rest of the test - it will not be postponed.

You need to write three sentences for each phrase/clause, using the specific vocabulary below for each. You can use your notes. When you finish, please read ahead in Romeo and Juliet, summarizing the main plot points in your notebook.

15 sentences, all with an appositive phrase

  • 3 absolute phrases: tirade, inundate, apex

  • 3 adverbial clauses: pensive, perilous, shoddy, using the following subordinating conjunctions: although, whenever, if

  • 3 past participial phrases: adieu, advent, assimilate

  • 3 present participial phrases: bogus, exorbitant, interim

  • 3 relative clauses: malign, meander, obstreperous, using the following relative pronouns: whom, whose, that

For 2/5

Do the Vocabulary Review exercise for unit 7 here.

For 1/30

Do the exercises for Unit 7. There will be no extra help today, January 28.

For 1/10

Do the review exercise here.

Using one of the words below in each sentence, write 6 sentences, each with an appositive phrase in addition to those listed below:

atone, credible, defray, ghastly, hamper, incessant, lucid, prim, supplant, taunt

  1. past participial phrase

  2. present particpial phrase

  3. absolute phrase

  4. relative clause with "whom"

  5. adverbial clauses w/ "although"

For 1/14

Extra credit: (You may do both of these extra credit assignments.) Read this article and write a letter of complaint to Sadlier about #6 with the intent of a receiving a full refund. For format info, google "letter of complaint". You should turn this into turnitin by Monday morning, and give me a hard copy in class as well. In addition, you may do a movie poster for The Catcher in the Rye. Follow the instructions below:

1. Read the article here and create a movie poster for TCITR. In addition, you must write a one-page description of your poster, referencing the seven elements discussed in the article and explaining how you incorporated two of them. Also, you should explain your choice of actors.

Your poster should include:

1. Names of the actors you will choose for the main roles.

2. One sentence summarizing the themes of the novel.

Example: "A coming-of-age story about a boy who desperately tries to hold on to childhood but soon learns that at some point we're all going to have to grow up..."

3. A significant quote from the novel

4. Images that reflect an understanding of the novel, its themes and its symbols.


For 1/6

Do the exercises for Unit 6 and finish The Catcher in the Rye.

For 11/26

Read up to Chapter 5 in TCITR

For 11/20

Do the VR exercise here.

For 11/14

Do the unscrambling exercise at the bottom of this page on absolute phrases.

For 11/11

Hand in an intro to turnitin.com for either song/story combination. Follow the format we have learned here. Your intro should have the correct heading and a title. It should be on turnitin by 9 p.m. Monday night. Bring a hard copy to class on Tuesday.

For 11/6

Do the exercises for unit 4 in your vocabulary book.

For 11/3

Read "The Scarlet Ibis" and answer the questions here. This assignment should be on turnitin by Sunday, November 3rd at 9 p.m.

For 10/30

Do the sentence-writing part of the vocabulary test. You must write 6 sentences, two of which can be the ones we wrote together in class. Two must have a past participial phrase, two a present participial phrase, all should identify the subject and verb and have an appositive and a prepositional phrase. Do NOT label the phrases, just the subject and verb. You can use your notes but you must do the work alone. If I see any sentences repeated - except for the two we did in class - you will get a zero for the whole assignment. Choose four of the following words: altercation, dissent, fabricate, semblance, adherent, condone, rift, surmount, trite

For 10/28

Extra Credit: Design a movie poster for either "The Necklace" or "American History". Follow the directions here.

Also, study for your vocab test on Unit 3.

For 10/25

Do the vocabulary review exercise for unit 3 here. In addition, write 4 sentences, based on the prompts, using vocabulary from the unit. (Did you recongnize the phrases in the previous sentence?) Two of these sentences should include a present particpial phrase, two a past, all an appositive and a prepositional phrase.

For 10/22

Find 5 different exercises to practice the parts of speech. Also, watch the Schoolhouse Rock videos again...and again...and again..until you know the material.

For 10/21

Do the exercises for unit 3 in your vocab book.

For 10/14

Read "American History" by Judith Ortiz-Cofer and answer the questions here. These should be submitted to turnitin by 9 p.m. on Monday, the 14th.

For 10/9

Hand in your intro paragraph to turnitin. Your introduction should incorporate a quote from the Bible. In addition, you should follow the format we reviewed in class. This assignment is due to turnitin by 8 p.m. Wednesday evening. On Thursday, you should give me a hard copy in class.

For 10/3

Do the vocabulary review exercise here.

For 10/1

Read "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant and answer the questions here. This assignment will be due to turnitin by 9/30 at 8 p.m.

For 9/27

Do the exercises for unit 2 in your vocabulary book.

For 9/25

Study for the unit 1 vocabulary test. The sentences on the test are direct from various newspapers, so I suggest the best way to study is to google the word, hit news and see how it's used in different sentences. In addition, you will need to write 6 sentences with at least one prepositional phrase, which you should underline. You should also identify the subject and verb of each sentence.

For 9/19

Do the vocabulary review exercise here. Also, if you haven't signed up for turnitin and submitted your summer reading assignment, please do so.

For 9/17

If you want extra credit, do this assignment. Otherwise, there is no HW.

For 9/13

Do the exercises on prepositional phrases here.

For 9/11

Do the exercises for unit 1 in the vocabulary handout.

For 9/9

There will be a short quiz on The Color of Water in the next class.

1. Please bring The Color of Water to class until told otherwise. Also, bring your vocabulary book to EVERY class.

2. If you didn't already, bring your summer reading assignment and your copy of The Color of Water (TCoW).

3. Go here and follow the directions to create a new account on turnitin.com and submit your summer reading assignment.

4. Watch the videos here and write a definition for each of the parts of speech.

5. Memorize the following sentence by the end of next week:

Egads! The evil teacher assigns us work daily and expects it on his desk by eight the next morning!

This week: Bring a hard copy of your research paper to class with every comment HANDWRITTEN on it. We will go over how to do a Works Cited page on Tuesday.

For 6/5

Do the Vocabulary Review exercise here.

For 5/30

Write prompts for each of the words on the final vocabulary test (no need to answer the prompt). Here are the words that will be on the test:

abase, annex, boorish, cornerstone, debacle, dormant, dubious, embroil, exonerate, glib, harangue, impenitent, incite, pedigree, precipitous, profuse, protract, reconcile, subterfuge, spurn

Example: Name a character on TV that behaves in a boorish manner.

For 5/28

Write two of the body paragraphs for your research paper. Make sure you include a quote from both the primary and the secondary source. You will hand these in in class on Tuesday. I would appreciate it if a few of you sent me a copy of the paragraphs by Monday night so we can look at them together in class.

Each body paragraph should begin with a strong analytical topic sentence. Then a sentence to provide context for the quote from the primary source. Then an explanation of the literal meaning of the quote. Then an analysis of the quote, with support from the secondary source. Finally, the BP ends with a link back to the main idea expressed in the topic sentence.

For 5/22

Do exercises for unit 15.

For 5/20

Do the exercises for unit 14.

If you have a computer, please bring it until we finish the poetry project.

For 5/14

Please do the review exercises for units 12 and 13 here. Also, have a hard copy of your RP outline to hand in.

Words on the 12/13 VT

ad infinitum, apportion, appreciable, autocratic, blanch, bona fide, concede, concerted, intolerable, irreverent, maltreat, perceive, prelude, sordid, subversive, temperate, untenable, venomous, vindicate, wane

For 5/2

Finish the exercises for units 12 and 13.

Words on the test:

adept, brevity, chide, comport, demure, depreciation, diminutive, divulge, enlightened, erroneous, exploit extemporaneous, impair, languid, mire, obtrusive, proponent, recoil, recoup, relentless, render, slipshod squander, staccato

(Be prepared to write sentences as well.)

For 4/11

Do the vocabulary review exercises for units 10 and 11.

For 4/9

Do the exercises for unit 11.

For 4/3

Do the exercises for unit 10.

For 3/28

Do the vocabulary review exercise for unit 9 here.

For 3/22

Do the exercises for unit 9.

The vocab test for unit 8 is moved to next Wednesday.

Extra credit for As You Like It:

Write two paragraphs, following the MEAL format, explaining what the play is about. For example, one of the themes of the play is the role of women. To examine this theme, you would need to write about how Shakespeare and this production make a point about the role of women. How is Rosalind confined by her femininity at the beginning of the play, and how does dressing as a man free her? How is her experience differ from that of Celia? What is Shakespeare trying to say about what it means to be a woman? (This will be a test grade and it should be handed in to turnitin.com)

Also, if you go, send me a pic from the event proving you were there.

Extra credit opportunity for the weekend:

Draw Mercutio's Queen Mab speech, illustrating the imagery. So, for example, the Queen is in a carriage that should have spiders' legs for spokes and a cover of "the wings of grasshoppers" (I.iv.65). This should be drawn by you, not downloaded from the internet, copied and colored in. It should include quotes from the text to illustrate your drawing. Use color. This will be due the first class next week.

For 3/13

Write 5 sentences, one with an adverbial (although), one with a relative clause (whom), one with a past participial, one with a present participial and one with an absolute phrase, all with a vocab word from unit 8 and an appositive phrase.

For 2/25

Do the exercises for Unit 8 as well as the vocabulary review here.

For 2/12 (Snow day)

Read the first act of Romeo and Juliet here. Then answer the questions here. You should use textual evidence to support EVERY ONE of your answers, but DO NOT use the easy text (the right side)- use the original text (the left side). We will have the vocab test for unit 7 on Thursday, but you will not have to write sentences for it.

For 2/4

Do the VR exercise for Unit 7 here.

For 1/31

Do the exercises for Unit 7 in your vocab book.

For 12/17

Write 6 sentences that follow the patterns below:

  • 2 with a relative clause, using one of the following: that, which, who, where, whom, whose

  • 2 with an absolute phrase

  • 1 with a past participial phrase

  • 1 with a present participial phrase

  • All with an appositive phrase and a word from Unit 5

You will hand these sentences in before the test for an automatic 100 (or 0 if you don't do it) and then rewrite them after you have finished the first part of the test.

EXTRA CREDIT: Design a book cover or a movie poster for one of the short stories we read 1st quarter: "Checkouts", "The Necklace", "American History" or "The Scarlet Ibis". Your work should include the title, the author, a line from the story, images that reflect an understanding of the story's themes, and, if it's a movie poster, the actors who will play the major roles. This will be due on the 12th.

For 12/12

Print your essay from turnitin.com, copy any comments onto it and bring it to class. Do NOT print it with the comments! Please hand write those onto the document.

For 12/10

Do the exercises for Unit 5 and the vocabulary review here.

For 12/2

Please submit a four paragraph essay to turnitin.com, which discusses how your chosen short story/song pair relate to a common theme. Your introduction should begin with an anecdote, a statistic or a quote which you should explain the significance of before you introduce the literature. You should have two sentences, one for each literary work, connecting the literature to the theme. The intro should end with a road map and thesis.

Each of your BPs should follow the MEAL/TEAL format and explain how the author uses a literary device/s to make a point about a common theme. So a topic sentence could be:

Hurst uses symbolism to make a point about the brotherhood of man.

You would then explain how he does this, comparing Doodle to the scarlet ibis, and discuss the larger meaning. Finally, you should link back to the idea of your thesis.

The conclusion should summarize the main ideas in different words.

(The essay is due Sunday at 8 p.m. If you hand the essay in by Friday at 9, you will get 10 extra points. Saturday, 5 extra points.)

For 11/28

Write six sentences, 3 with a past participial, 3 with a present participial, 6 all with an appositive phrase, an absolute phrase and a vocab word from unit 4.

For 11/20

Do the vocabulary review exercise for unit 4.

For 11/16

Do the exercises for unit 4. Identify the subject and verb in each sentence and underline any context clues.

For 11/7

Write 6 sentences, 3 with a past participial phrase, 3 with a present participial phrase, all with a vocab word from unit 3, all with at least 1 appositive phrase, and all with a prepositional phrase.

For 11/3

Read "The Scarlet Ibis" and answer the questions here. (You can find a link to the text above the questions.) Do I need to repeat the bit about using the quotes economically and signal phrases? This work should be handed in to turnitin.com by 9 p.m. Saturday night.

For 11/2

Do the VR exercise for unit 3 here.

For 10/27

Read "American History" here and answer the questions here. Again, remember to use quotes from the story economically and use signal phrases to introduce them, when necessary. This work should be handed in to turnitin.com by 9 p.m. Saturday night.

For 10/24

Do the exercises "Choosing the Right Word" and "Completing the Sentence" for Unit 3.

For 10/16

Print this page and bring to the next class. Also, read "The Necklace" and answer the eight questions at the bottom of this page. You should submit your answers to turnitin.com by 9 p.m Monday, the 15th. Remember to cite the text, use signal phrases and quote sparingly.

For 10/12

Do the VR exercise for unit 2 here. Include an appositive phrase in at least 5 of your sentences.

For 10/4

Do the exercises for unit 2, "Choosing the Right Word" and "Completing the Sentence."

For 10/2

This weekend's HW is voluntary. Go here and do the exercises about parts of speech. We will have a PSAT quiz in the next lesson.

For For 9/26

Write five sentences, each incorporating a prepositional phrase and a vocab word from Unit 1. Identify the subject and the verb in each sentence.

For 9/20

Watch the video here, copy the chart from the video into your notebook and listen and fill in the chart.

For 9/18

Do the review exercise for unit 1 here. You do not need to write the prompt, just the answer with the vocab word. So, for example, for number 7, you could write:

" I find myself in a muddle in English because grammar is confusing and the teacher speaks too quickly."

For 9/14

Do the exercises for Unit 1 in your vocab book: "Choose the Right Word", "Completing the Sentence".

There is an extra credit opportunity here. This will be due next Friday.

For 9/12-13 - There will be a short quiz on The Color of Water in the next class.

1. Please bring The Color of Water to class until told otherwise.

2. If you didn't already, bring your summer reading assignment and your copy of The Color of Water (TCoW).

3. Go here and follow the directions to create a new account on turnitin.com and submit your summer reading assignment.

4. Watch the videos here and do the exercise at the top.

5. Memorize the following sentence by next week:

Egads, the evil teacher assigns us work daily and expects it on his desk by eight the next morning!

The final draft of your research paper is due on Sunday at 9 p.m. to turnitin.com. It should include a Works Cited page. I will not be grading it on turnitin. You should hand me a hard copy the first class I see you after Sunday. Remember, failure to submit a research paper results in a failing grade for the entire year! If you hand it in by Friday at 9, I'll give you 10 extra points. If you hand it in by Saturday at 9, you will get 5 extra points.

Here is what I will be looking for:

Formatting: proper heading, title properly formatted, double spaced (with the "spacing after" set to 0), Times New Roman, 12p, indented paragraphs, Works Cited page, your last name and page number on each page after the first.

Content: Intro that follows the format we learned (with a clear thesis and road map), body paragraphs (BP) that follow MEAL, a properly cited quote from both the primary and secondary sources in each BP, interesting, analytical concise topic sentences.

Works Cited page with at least two sources.

I will not be checking my email this weekend!

Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Prentice Hall Literature. Boston: Pearson. 2007. pp. 731-847.

If you have a computer on which you can write your research paper (you'll need Word), please bring it to class for the next few weeks.

For 5/16-17

Do the exercises for units 14 and 15.

Words that will be on the test:

  1. abase

  2. annex

  3. boorish

  4. cornerstone

  5. debacle

  6. dormant

  7. dubious

  8. embroil

  9. exonerate

  10. glib

  11. harangue

  12. impenitent

  13. incite

  14. pedigree

  15. precipitous

  16. profuse

  17. protract

  18. reconcile

  19. subterfuge

  20. spurn

For 5/2-3

Here are the words for units 12/13. Do the review exercise here for Wed/Thurs.

  1. ad infinitum

  2. apportion

  3. appreciable

  4. autocratic

  5. blanch

  6. bona fide

  7. concede

  8. concerted

  9. intolerable

  10. irreverent

  11. laborious

  12. maltreat

  13. perceive

  14. prelude

  15. subversive

  16. temperate

  17. untenable

  18. venomous

  19. vindicate

  20. wane

Do the exercises for units 12 and 13.

The vocabulary test for units 10/11 has been moved to 4/26-27. Here are the words:

1. adept

2. brevity

3. chide

4. comport

5. demure

6. depreciation

7. diminutive

8. divulge

9. enlightened

10. erroneous

11. exploit

12. extemporaneous

13. impairs

14. languid

15. mire

16. obtrusive

17. proponent

18. recoil

19. recoup

20. relentless

21. render

22. slipshod

23. squander

24. staccato

For 4/11-12

Do the exercises for units 10 and 11. For Sunday, hand the following assignment to turnitin.com:

Read Acts IV and V. Focusing on one scene in each act, write a MEAL paragraph, identifying how Shakespeare uses a literary tool to illustrate a certain theme.

Three possible themes:

Societal pressures, including the generation gap and masculine peer pressure

Fate vs. free will

The duality of the human experience


In Act 4, Shakespeare uses characterization to illustrate the theme of fate vs. free will through Juliet. Implementing the Friar's plan, Juliet gets ready to take the potion, about which she is naturally conflicted, with a "faint, cold fear" (IV.iii.15). She overcomes her impulse to call the Nurse back for comfort, suggesting that Juliet is ready to take control of her destiny. Unlike Romeo, the romantic who hems and haws his way into a decision, Juliet rationally catalogs the various pros and cons, knowing she will awake in the "ancient receptacle where for this many hundred years the bones of all my buried ancestors are packed." (IV.iii.39-41). Facing her fears, undeterred, she swallows the poison, showing that she is the true protagonist, ready to determine her own destiny, rather than allowing fate to control it.

For 3/21 Snow Day!! - for block 6 (For blocks 1 and 2, it will be due Monday.)

Go here. Read the passage and answer the questions that precede and follow the passage. Please bring your answers (written on looseleaf) to the next class.

For 3/18

Read Act 3 and answer the questions here.

Extra credit opportunity for the weekend:

Draw Mercutio's Queen Mab speech, illustrating the imagery. So, for example, the Queen is in a carriage that should have spiders' legs for spokes and a cover of "the wings of grasshoppers" (I.iv.65). This should be drawn by you, not downloaded from the internet, copied and colored in. It should quotes from the text to explain your drawing.


Those of you who did not finish the paragraphs, please hand them in to turnitin. Also, do the review exercise for unit 9 here.

For 3/7-8

Do the exercises for unit 9.

For 3/4

Write two paragraphs, following the MEAL format, which explain how Shakespeare uses specific literary tools to explore a specific theme. The first paragraph should center on Act I, the second on Act II. Each of the paragraphs should include quotes from the play, properly cited. This should be handed in to turnitin.com by Sunday at 8 pm.

For 3/1-2

Study for the test on unit 8.

For Thursday/Friday, do the VR exercise for Unit 8 here.

For Tuesday/Wednesday

Extra credit: If you go see Sister Act, read the info here and write a review of the production. Suggestions 1 and 3 in the article may not be relevant to your review.

For 2/13-14

Do the vocabulary exercises for Unit 8.

For 2/12-13

Study for the vocabulary test. For the test, you will need to write sentences incorporating the following phrases: absolute, adverbial clause, appositive, past participial, present participial, relative clause.

For 2/12-13

Study for the vocabulary test. For the test, you will need to write sentences incorporating the following phrases: absolute, appositive, past participial, present participial, relative clause, For 2/5-6

Do the vocabulary review here.

For 1/31-2/1

Do the exercises for Unit 7. If you want extra credit for your index cards, you must show them to me by the next lesson. On one side, you should have the word and part of speech. On the other, an example sentence and, if you find it helpful, the definition. Each card must be signed on both sides.

For 1/16-17

Finish The Catcher in the Rye. Also, for extra credit, you may do a movie poster for the novel. Instructions can be found here. For blocks 1 and 2, the poster will be due Thursday of next week. For block 6, it will be due Wednesday.

For the vocabulary test, you will need to write 6 sentences which include one of the following six phrases/clauses: absolute phrase, adverbial clause with "whenever", past participial phrase, present participial phrase, relative clause with "whom" and a relative clause with "whose". In addition, each sentence should include at least one appositive phase and a vocabulary word from Unit 6.

For 1/11-12

Do the vocabulary review exercise here. Pick one prompt for each word in unit 6. For the weekend, finish The Catcher in the Rye.

For 1/4

Do the exercises for unit 6 in your vocabulary book.

For 20/21

Finish watching the Erik Erikson video here and fill out the chart in your notebook.

By next Tuesday/Wednesday (12/19-20), you should have read up to chapter 15 in Catcher. During the break, you should read up to chapter 23.

For 12/8-11

Do the vocabulary review exercise for unit 5 here.

(For the test on Wednesday/Thursday, you must write 6 sentences: all with a vocabulary word, all with an appositive phrase, one with an absolute phrase, one with a past participial phrase, one with a present participial phrase, one with a relative clause and the relative pronoun "who", one with a relative clause and the relative pronoun "whom", one with a relative clause and the relative pronoun "whose". (Block 5 should do this for Tuesday.)

For 12/6-7

Do the exercise for Unit 5 in your vocabulary book and make index cards for each of the words. For the index cards, one side should have the word and the part of speech, the other, the example sentence in the exercise that begins on pg 62.

By 12/7-8, you should read up to chapter 9 in The Catcher in the Rye.

For the vocabulary test on Thursday/Friday, you must prepare 6 sentences. Each must have a vocab word from unit 4, an appositive phrase, and an absolute phrase. Three must have a past participial phrase and three must have a present participial phrase. You should have these sentences written down to hand in when you come to class on the test day.

For 12/3 at 9, you should submit the story/song essay to turnitin.com. If you hand in the essay between Wednesday the 29th and Friday the 1st, you will get 5 extra points. Here is a link to the exercise we did in the last class on body paragraphs.

By 12/8, you should read up to chapter 9 in The Catcher in the Rye.

For 11/22 (Block 2)

Read the rest of chapter 1.

For 11/19 (Sunday by 9)

Submit to turnitin.com an introduction to an essay based on ONE of the three short story/song pairs listed below, including a title and a heading, following the format you have learned. The final essay will be due December 2nd at 9 pm.

  1. "The Necklace" by Guy de Maupassant and "Everything That Glitters" by Dan Seals

  2. "American History" by Judith Ortiz-Cofer and "Society's Child" by Janis Ian

  3. "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst and "He Ain't Heavy" by the Hollies

For Friday, Blocks 1 and 2, read chapter 1 in The Catcher in the Rye.

For 11/8-9

Do the exercises, "Choosing the Right Word" and "Completing the Sentence", for Unit 4.

For 11/2

Do the VR exercise for Unit 3 here. write For the vocabulary test next week, you will need to write 6 sentences, three with a past participial phrase, three with a present participial phrase, all with an appositive phrase and a vocab word from Unit 3. Also, next week, you should bring in $7.50 for The Catcher in the Rye, which we will begin reading on November 13th. By that date, everyone should have a copy. I will collect money through next Wednesday.

For 10/30

Read "The Scarlet Ibis" here and answer the questions here. This assignment will be due to turnitin.com by Wednesday night at 9:00. If you hand it in by Monday at 9:30, you will get a 5 point bonus.

For 10/25-26

Do "Choosing the Right Word" and "Completing the Sentence" for Unit 3.

For the weekend:

Make a copy of your summer reading essay for your Junior Portfolio. Copy by hand all the comments on the turnitin.com version. For extra credit, you can look at the comments and write two paragraphs, the first of which should address the kinds of mistakes you made in the original, the second of which should discuss what kinds of improvements you plan to make in upcoming essays.

For 10/19-20

Study for the vocabulary test and write 5 sentences in preparation for the test. Each sentence must contain at least one vocab word, one appositive phrase and one prepositional phrase.

For Block 6 10/18

Do the vocabulary review exercise here for Unit 2.

For the weekend of the 14th:

Read "American History" and answer the questions here. You can find the text of the story here. Again, for this HW assignment, you should focus on how to use quotes from the text economically. When you use a quotation from the story, you don't have to use the whole quote. Just a phrase or even a single word can serve your purpose. This assignment must be on turnitin by Sunday at 9:30.

For Block 2 10/13

Do the vocabulary review exercise here for Unit 2.

For 10/10-12

Print this page, match the terms and their definitions, and bring to the next class. Also, read "The Necklace" and answer the questions here. Blocks 1 and 2 should hand it in to turnitin.com by Monday at 9:30. Block 6 should have it on turnitin by Wednesday at 9:30.

For 10/4-5

Do the exercises "Choosing the Correct Word" and "Completing the Sentence" for Unit 2 in your vocabulary book.

On Thursday/Friday, you will take a vocab test on Unit 1. It will be a multiple choice test. There will be questions about the vocabulary as well as parts of speech. In addition, you will need to write 5 sentences, each with a vocabulary word and a prepositional phrase. For those sentences, you will need to identify the subject and the verb.

On Sunday at 8 p.m., your summer reading essay is due. If you hand it in by Saturday at 9, you will receive 5 extra points. To get the extra points, you must send me an email with proof you have done so.

For 9/27-28

Do the vocabulary review exercise for Unit 1 here.

For the weekend: Write the introduction to your summer reading essay, using the format here. Make sure your intro follows MLA formatting.


Make flash cards for the 20 vocabulary words in Unit 1. On one side should be the word and the part(s) of speech; on the other, the definition and a sample sentence, preferably one from the vocab book.


Do the exercises for Unit 1 in your vocabulary book. Also, if you choose to do the extra credit, it is due when you have class Monday or Tuesday.


We will have a quiz on To Kill a Mockingbird.

For 9/13

Watch the Schoolhouse Rock videos here. Write a definition for each part of speech and include you think you understand it or not. Also, bring your two summer reading books to class until further notice. Please bring your vocabulary book to every class through the end of the year.