
For Friday, May 17th

Write a Task 4 essay based on one of the quotes under Mr. Abel's Website/Writing/Critical Lens Essay.

For Wednesday, May 15th

Go to 10R/Regents Literature Review, copy and paste the information you find there, and fill it out for Jane Eyre.

For Tuesday, May 7th

Write a Task 4 essay based on the following quote:

"...although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it." Helen Keller

Also, by class on Tuesday, please send me 10 sentences for the Unit 8 vocabulary test. Each of the sentences should use a word from Unit 8 as well as a word from another vocab unit of your choice. Each sentence should use at least two of the phrases we have learned, one of which must be either a participial phrase or an absolute phrase. Below is an example: `

The clemency of the delightful spring day causing him to feel generous, the normally _________________ man, an unfeeling scrooge, became a benefactor for the new children's hospital, donating $5,000,000.

For Wednesday, May 1st

Do all the exercises for Unit 8 in your vocabulary book except Writing: Words in Action.

For Monday, April 29th

Write a Task 4 essay using the following quote:

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." Phillip K. Dick

For Thursday, April 25th

We will have a vocab test on Unit 7. For this test, you must write 10 sentences on the literature you have read since you came to Preston. Each sentence must have a vocab word from Unit 7 and an appostive phrase. Five of the sentences should have a participial phrase, five an absolute phrase. One should use the word "whom" in a relative clause. You will have a limited amount of time to write these sentences, so you should write them in advance. The purpose of this exercise is to encourage you to think about phrasing when you write for the Regents exam.

For April 22nd,

Write a Task 4 essay using the following quote:

Pride defeats its own end, by bringing the man who seeks esteem and reverence into contempt.

- Henry Bolingbroke

Instructions: Do not do this on a computer; write the essay by hand. Find 45 min to an hour (uninterrrupted) to write the essay. Remember to follow the formats we have used in class for the introduction and body paragraphs. Your essay should discuss two works of literature, preferably works we have read in class. Remember to identify specific literary tools and explain how they relate to the theme of the quote. .

For April 11th,

Do the exercises (not including "Writing: Words in Action") for unit 7 in your vocabulary book up to pg. 97. Review the vocabulary in Units 3 through 6 - we will have a quiz on those units on Wednesday. In addition, bring your research paper, including the primary and secondary sources, to class (hard copy and on a flash drive).

We will have a test on Pride and Prejudice next Wednesday, the 17th.

The final draft of the research paper will be due next Friday, the 19th. It must be handed in to turnitin.com.

For March 22th,

Read up to Chapter 40 in P & P. For the Easter break, you must finish reading the novel. Also, you must hand in the 1st draft of your research paper by Friday, March 29th. If you have any questions about it, please email me at sabel@prestonhs.org before the 29th. After April 1st, I will not be answering any of your emails about the research paper.

For March 18th

Read Chapters 32 and 33 in Pride and Prejudice. Bring your outline to class or, if you are absent, email it to me.

For Thursday, March 14

Read Chapters 29, 30 and 31 in Pride and Prejudice.

Prepare for the vocabulary test on Unit 6 as well as writing sentences with adverbial and other phrases we have learned this year. For the test, you will write 10 sentences - 2 participial (past and present), 2 absolute, 2 appositive, 2 relative clauses with who/whom and two adverbial phrases, one with 'although' and one with 'while'. Your sentences should focus on one of the major works we have read this year, preferably the one you are focussing on for your research paper.

The outline of your research paper is due on Monday, March 18th. The 1st draft of the paper is due on Friday, March 22nd.

For For Tuesday, March 5th

Read up to Chapter 20 in Pride and Prejudice

For Tuesday, February 26th

Read Chapters 15 and 16 in Pride and Prejudice. Also, do the exercises on pages 75 to 79 in your vocabulary book, EXCEPT for Writing:Words in Action.

For Wednesday, February 20th

In class, you will write 10 sentences, each with a vocabulary word from Unit 5. You will write two sentences for each of the 5 phrases/clauses we have studied. You will label each pair of sentences. For the participial phrases, one should use a past participial phrase, one a present. For the prepositional phrases, one should begin with a prepositional phrase, one a subject/verb split. For the relative clauses, one should use "who' and one "whom". For the absolute and appositives, you decide. Please wow me with your command and knowledge of English grammar! Feel free to write the sentences in advance, but you must have them memorized for the test. You cannot use any notes.

Reminder: your title/intro is due on Friday, February 22nd.

And read the next three chapters in P &P, up to Chapter 11.

For Thursday, 2/14

Read up to Chapter 8 in Pride and Prejudice

Also, do the unscrambling exercise and the "who, whom, whose" under Grammar/Relative Clauses. If you scroll down, you will see the "who, whom, whose" exercise under 'sub-pages'.

For Tuesday 2/12

Study for the vocabulary test on Tuesday.

Read the first four chapters in Pride and Prejudice. If you do not have a copy of the book at home, or if you are interested in a good website on Jane Austen, go here. Scroll down the page to find a link to the novel.

For Friday, 2/8

Do the Vocabulary Review exercise under 10R/Vocabulary Review/Unit 5

For Wednesday 1/9

Do the unscrambling exercise under Grammar/Prepositional Phrases. As it says on that page, using the unscrambled sentences as models, write three sentences incorporating vocabulary from Unit 4. Try to throw in some of the other phrases (participial, appositive, absolute) you have learned.

For Monday 1/7

Do Choosing the Right Word, Completing the Sentence and Vocabulary in Context for Unit 4

For Friday, 12/21

Finish reading Act 5 and answer the questions on the website.

For an extra credit assignment, go to 10R/Macbeth/Extra Credit

For Wednesday, 12/17

Read the first 3 scenes in Act V and answer the questions under 10R/Macbeth/Act V questions

For Monday, 12/17

Read the rest of Act IV and answer the questions on this website.

For Wednesday, 12/12

Read the first two scenes of Act IV and do the questions under 10R/Macbeth/Act IV

For Monday, 12/ 10

Finish reading Act III of Macbeth and answer the questions on this website. Be sure to use line numbers as textual evidence when necessary.

For Tuesday, 12/4

Do the unscrambling exercise under Grammar/Absolute Phrases and write 5 sentences using absolute phrases and one of the vocabulary words from Unit 3.

Read the first two scene of Act III in Macbeth and answer the questions under 10R/Macbeth/Act III questions.

For Friday, 11/30

Read Act II of Macbeth and answer the questions under 10R/Macbeth/Act II questions

For Monday, 11/26

Read the rest of Act 1 of Macbeth. You will be quizzed on your return.

Regents prep: Do the exercise under 10R/Beowulf?What I Said, comparing the poem, "What I Said" by Norman Stock and the passage from Beowulf

For Tuesday, 11/20

Do the vocabulary review under 10R/Vocabulary Workshop/Unit 3

Read the first two scenes of Macbeth. Answer the following questions:

I.i Why do you think Shakespeare might have begun his play in this way?

I.ii What do we learn about Macbeth in this scene?

On Tuesday, we will have a quiz on The Canterbury Tales and Beowulf.

For Thursday, 11/15

Do all the exercises for Unit 3 of the vocabulary book, except for Writing in Action and Vocabulary in Context. Also, in your textbook, read the section on Sir Thomas More on pg. 236 and the excerpt from Utopia on pg. 238/9 and answer the questions on pg. 239 under Critical Thinking.

For Monday 11/12

Prepare for the second half of the vocabulary test on Unit 2. You will be expected to write ten sentences, each including an appositive phrase and a participial phrase, for 10 of the vocabulary words from Unit 2.

Also, write a satirical poem following the rhyme pattern of the poem under 10R/Chaucer/Assessment Poem. Your poem should satirize a modern day celebrity. It should include the information detailed in the assessment poem.

For Monday 11/5

Prepare for the vocabulary test.

Please bring your work on "The Nun's Priest Tale" to class, as well as your textbook.

For Friday 10/26

Read "The Nun's Priest's Tale" and answer the questions under 10R/Chaucer/The Nun's Priest's Tale

For Wednesday, 10/24

You will need your literature textbook. Do the exercises under 10R/Chaucer/Prologue HW

Also, do the Vocabulary Workshop exercise under 10R/Vocabulary Workshop/Unit 2

Your revised essays will be due Monday 10/30. Please go to Writing Center!!

For Friday 10/19

Prepare for the 2nd half of the vocabulary test. You must be able to write sentences with particple phrases (5 past, 5 present), using the vocabulary from unit 1.

In addition, please do the vocabulary exercises on pages 27 through 30, NOT including the section titled "Writing: Words in Action"

For Tuesday, 10/16

Read "The Battle with Grendel's Mother" and answer the questions for Exercise A under 10R/Beowulf/The Battle with Grendel's Mother.

For Thursday 10/11

Do exercise B under 10R/Beowulf/The Battle with Grendel and study for Thursday's vocabulary test.

For Tuesday 10/9

Complete the exercise under 10R/Vocabulary Workshop/VR - 1/2.

Also, read "The Coming of Beowulf" and answer the questions under 10R/Beowulf/The Coming of Beowulf

For extra credit - go to 10R/Beowulf/CNN Article and do the exercises there. This will be due on Thursday

For Thursday, 10/4 -

Finish reading "The Wrath of Grendel" and answer the questions under 10R/Beowulf/The Wrath of Grendel

For Tuesday, 10/2-

Draft of essay is due on turnitin.com

Please bring your Brit Lit textbook and vocab book to the next class. You do not need to bring the summer reading novels.

For Friday 9/28

Continue working on your essays, which are due on Tuesday. We will be working on these essays in class so even if you don't have it done by Friday, please have a clear idea of your answer to the following question: how do Haddon and Bronte use literary tools to show that characters in literature are driven by emotion and not reason?

For Tuesday, October 2nd -

Read "The Wrath of Grendel" and answer the questions under 10R/Beowulf/The Wrath of Grendel

Also, draft of essay is due on turnitin.com

For Wednesday 9/26

Write 10 sentences with present (5) and past (5) participles, using vocabulary from Unit 1. For example:

Present Particple: "Reciting the poem verbatim, the student impressed the class with her talent for memorization."

If you do not understand past and present participles, the link below will help you:


For Tuesday:

Bring copies of Jane Eyre and A Curious Incident of a Dog in the Nighttime to class.

Write a Task 4 essay comparing Jane Eyre and A Curious Incident of a Dog in the Nighttime according to the following critical lens:

"All literature shows us the power of emotion. It is emotion, not reason, that motivates characters in literature."

- Duff Brennan

Your essay must include an introduction, a conclusion and at least two body paragraphs. The essay MUST NOT be typed. Focus on the literary tools the authors use to make their point and how these novels relate to this quote. You will NOT be graded on the quality of the essay but you will be given a grade for completing it. Do not take more than an hour to write the essay. However, I encourage you to think about what you will write about before you sit down to write.

Tuesday we will have a quiz on A Curious Incident of a Dog in the Nighttime.

Thursday we will have a quiz on Jane Eyre.

For Monday 9/17

Read pages 4-10 in your literature textbook aand answer the questions under 10R/Beowulf/The British Tradition

For Wednesday 9/19

Write an introduction to your Task 4 essay, following the format we reviewed on this website under Writing/ABCD & MEAL formats.

For Monday 9/24

Complete all the exercises for Unit One in Sadlier Vocabulary Workshop (SVW), except for Writing: Words in Action on pg. 20.