Body Paragraphs

Below is an example of how you can adapt one of your HW paragraphs into a body paragraph for your research paper:

Julia McCann

Throughout Act 4 Shakespeare uses foreshadowing to highlight the theme of fate v.s. free will. Juliet’s parents have arranged for her to marry Paris however, Romeo is the man she loves so she has decided she will take matters into her own hands, “with this knife I’ll help it presently (IV.i.55).” Juliet expresses her free will by saying if she is left with no other option to get out of marrying Paris, she will kill herself if that is what it comes to. Juliet shows that she will do anything to be able to choose her own ending and will not live by her parents wishes of her marrying Paris. Later in the scene Juliet and the Friar come up with a plan for her to take a potion to make her go into a deep sleep for 42 hours. Juliet says, “Give me, give me! O, tell not me of fear! (IV.i.124). Again Juliet shows her determination to choose her own future instead of letting fate or her parents choose it for her. Juliet is also saying that she is choosing not to be scared of what might happen after she takes the potion because all she wants is to be with Romeo, and she will do anything to make that happen.

Shakespeare uses characterization to highlight the theme of fate vs. free will. Although Juliet’s parents have arranged for her to marry Paris, Romeo is the man she loves, so she has decided she will take matters into her own hands, saying

“with this knife I’ll help it presently (IV.i.55).” Juliet

expresses her free will by saying if she is left with no other option to get out of marrying Paris, she will kill herself. Later in the scene Juliet and the Friar come up with a plan for her to take a potion to make her go into a deep sleep

for 42 hours. Juliet says, “Give me, give me! O, tell not me of fear! (IV.i.124).” Again, Juliet shows her determination to choose her own future instead of letting fate or her parents choose it for her. Goddard suggests that she, “never wavers for an instant”. While Romeo hesitates or becomes overwhelmed with emotion, “the heroine transcends the hero.” Juliet shows that she will do anything to be able to choose her own ending.