Bulletin - The Most Holy Trinity

Post date: May 30, 2015 7:6:24 PM


Fr. Richard B. Harriott tel. 0191 2500200

email – annitsford.stjohnbaptist@rcdhn.org.uk



Date 31st MAY 2015


Friday: by appointment

Saturday: by appointment

PARISH REGISTER – If you have changed or have a new mobile telephone number or email address please complete a Parish Register Form available at the back of church and hand to Fr. Harriott. Thank You

NEW PARISHIONERS - If you are a new member of the parish, would you please make yourself known to Fr. Harriott or a member of the Parish Council and complete a form available at the back of church.

WORLD COMM. £23.00 (Cumm £159.95) LAY TRAINING £60.50

FORWARD TOGETER IN HOPE – The next phase of FTiH “Exploring the Way” is now underway. At the back of church is a summary of what this means to us and how we can contribute –

Please take one home and help to support our parish during this transition.

24 HOURS OF PRAYER – As part of a Deanery wide FTiH prayer initiative, St. Aidan’s RC Church, Ashington are hosting a 24 hour prayer from Friday 12th June to Saturday 13th June 2015. All are welcome.

CHURCHES TOGETHER TRIP – 17th June 2015 departs St. John's at 6pm, to Shepherd's Dene. Cost of Bus £2.50 per person, buy your own fish and chips. Please add your name to the list at the back of church

DIOCESAN FESTIVAL – Sat. 20th & Sun. 21st June 2015 at the Youth Village. Poster & Forms at the back of church. Hoping to share a bus on the Sat. with St. Paul's, please put your details on the list at the back of church.

ST. PAUL'S LADIES DAY AT THE RACESBenedictine Club Sat. 13th June 2015 from 1pm to 5pm. Watch the races & come dressed for the occasion. Tickets £5 (confirmed) including afternoon tea.

Contact Linda McSparron 07751 802799

TONY TURNER’S ORDINATION – Sat. 27th June 2015 at the 11am Mass at St. Mary’s Cathedral Newcastle. All are welcome to attend and celebrate. Please add name to list at the back of church. If enough names are added, we are hoping to share a bus with St. Paul’s Parish. Cut off date for bus 8th June 2015

COFFEE AFTERNOONS – Will be held the second Thursday of every Month i.e. 11th June & 9th July 2015.

All welcome.

MASS TIMES – Please check the Newsletter carefully for possible changes to Mass/Eucharistic celebrations.

ADDITIONAL PARISH & DIOCESAN INFORMATION- can be obtained from the Parish website http://stjohnsannitsford.co.uk.

Anyone experiencing problems accessing the site, please contact Jerry Laidler on 07801 452372