Bulletin - Easter Sunday

Post date: Apr 04, 2015 12:37:26 PM


Fr. Richard B. Harriott tel. 0191 2500200

email – annitsford.stjohnbaptist@rcdhn.org.uk



Date 5th APRIL 2015


Friday: by appointment

Saturday: by appointment

PARISH REGISTER – If you have changed or have a new mobile telephone number or email address please complete a Parish Register Form available at the back of church and hand to Fr. Harriott. Thank You

NEW PARISHIONERS - If you are a new member of the parish, would you please make yourself known to Fr. Harriott or a member of the Parish Council and complete a form available at the back of church.

RETIRING COLLECTION – HOLY PLACES - This weekend, should have been last weekend

MONDAY SERVICES – To reduce Fr. Harriott's workload, starting Monday 6th April 2015 there will be NO morning Mass on Mondays, these will be replaced by a Eucharistic Service. Because of numbers attending, all Eucharistic Services (Saturday's included) will be held in the Confed. Room.

PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES – There are still a few boxes of envelopes at the back of church, if you have not already collected yours, please collect as soon as possible to save having them distributed. Thank You

FORWARD TOGETHER IN HOPE – Please see the information on the Lecturn at the back of church supplied by Bishop Seamus and the Forward Together Team. Please review it & pass your comments, suggestions or questions to any member of the Parish Council.

WHITE RIBBONS – Please feel free to change your Purple Ribbon (The Cross of Christ) to a White Ribbon (The Risen Christ). Suggest that we wear them until Pentecost. Also still available - tags to Christianise your Easter Eggs.

BAPTISM – Please remember in your prayers Archie David McKenzie and who was baptised on Saturday 4th April.

MASS INTENTIONS – Weekday Mass intentions are not too far in advance. Please use envelopes at the back of church. Please give your telephone number in case your requested date is not available.

SPARE PLANTS – When ordering your Spring Plants I if you have any spares, please bring to church for Rose to plant in the Church Grounds.

CHILDREN'S LITURGY RAFFLE - 1st Prize Green 331-335, 2nd Prize Pink 406-410, 3rd Prize Pink 906-910

ADDITIONAL PARISH & DIOCESAN INFORMATION- can be obtained from the Parish website http://stjohnsannitsford.co.uk. Anyone experiencing problems accessing the site, please contact Jerry Laidler on 07801 452372