Our Services to You ...

Some of the services St. Johns can provide ...

Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions) - By appointment - please contact Fr. Harriott

The Rosary - Is performed at 09.00 on everyday of the week except Fridays + Sundays - See the rosary prayer later in the booklet and please feel free to bring your rosary beads.

Weddings - Are arranged by appointment so please contact Fr. Harriott.

A minimum of 6 months is needed to allow engaged couples to prepare for this great day.

Baptisms of Children - Are arranged by appointment so please contact Fr. Harriott or deacon Rob Wareing.

There is a useful and simple preparation course for parents in order for them to have the opportunity to reflect on this important moment in the lives of their children and to choose readings and hymns

Adult Baptism, Confirmation and Reception of Adults - Please contact Fr. Harriott or deacon Rob Wareing.

Adult Baptism, Confirmation and Reception of Adults into the Catholic Church follow a time of preparation called the “journey in Faith”. During this period a person is welcomed into the parish community and led into an understanding of the teachings of the church and how to live as a Catholic.

The Sacrament of the Sick - Can be received by any baptised Catholic who is seriously ill through age or infirmity.

It can be received at anytime during an illness and not just at the hour of death.

Parishioners Who Are Sick - Fr. Harriott makes every effort to visit all those parishioners who are sick and who are unable to attend mass.

Please make Fr. Harriott aware of anyone that you know is unwell so we can pray for them and visit them should they require it.

Funerals & Burials - Funerals & Burials are arranged by appoint. Please contact Fr. Harriott.

The Parish Council have created some guidelines for funerals and burials along with costs. Please click "here".

All local funeral directors are fully aware of these guidelines and costs and will be able to provide guidance to you.

Parish Records - St. Johns have records such as baptism.

If you have a query then please email Fr. Harriott who will endeavour to address your request.

Feedback - Please provide any feedback or ideas you have to Fr. Harriott as we’d love to hear from you.

Please see "contact us" if you have any requests or questions with any of the above