Bulletin - 15th April 2018

Post date: Apr 13, 2018 8:51:59 AM


Fr. Richard B. Harriott tel. 0191 2500200

email – annitsford.stjohnbaptist@rcdhn.org.uk



15th APRIL 2018


By appointment. Please speak to Fr. Harriott

PARISH REGISTER – If you have changed or have a new mobile telephone number or email address please complete a Parish Register Form available at the back of church and hand to Fr. Harriott. Thank You

NEW PARISHIONERS - If you are a new member of the parish, would you please make yourself known to Fr. Harriott or a member of the Parish Council and complete a form available at the back of church.

OFFERTORIES – This figure does not include Direct Debit payments

An appeal will be made at next Sunday's (22nd April) Mass on behalf of the Little Sister's. A retiring collection will be taken.

15th April 2018 Readers – M. Cowan & G. Killen Ems – S. Muir, T. Robson & J. Kingston

Teas - Karen and Jean

22nd April 2018 Readers – J. Craigie & C. Dobson Ems – M. Cowan, B. Wareing & A. Hall


CHURCH HALL KITCHEN – Work on the removal of the existing and installation of the new kitchen will commence on Thursday 19th April, the hall will be out of action until Saturday 28th April 2018.

PARKING – It is extremely important that you read the notice in the church porch.

PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES – There are a few boxes of envelopes still remaining at the back of church, please collect them as soon as possible.

For those who pay by Direct Debit, envelopes are available for your Special Collections.

BAPTISM – Please remember in your prayers, Finlay Brennan who will be baptised today 15th Apr. 18

FAMILY FUN DAY – The next Planning meeting will be held on Sunday29th April. A collection box is in the porch to receive donations for the Tombola Stall. Please DO NOT confuse this box with the Refugee box.

GRAVEYARD – We will be carrying out ground levelling in South section of the East Graveyard as soon as possible. This work is necessary for the Health and Safety of our VOLUNTEER Gardeners and to reduce the wear of our grass cutting equipment. Please DO NOT go into the graveyard when this work is being carried out. Thank You

USED STAMPS – Please save all the stamps from your Cards and letters for the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Please place them in the box at the back of church.

GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE – The possibility of this going ahead is to be discussed further by the Parish Council.

COFFEE AFTERNOONS – The next two Coffee Afternoons will be this Thurs 10th May & Thurs 14th June 2018 at 1.30pm. These are open to ALL, not just parishioners, Please come along and invite a friend and/or your neighbour.

ADDITIONAL PARISH & DIOCESAN INFORMATION- can be obtained from the Parish website https://sites.google.com/site/stjohnsannitsford. Anyone experiencing problems accessing the site, please contact Jerry Laidler on 07801 452372

IMPORTANT - Car Parking at St. John the Baptist Church

Fr. Harriott has received a phone call from the police relating to several complaints received from some of residents of Southfield Lea with reference to the parking outside of St. John the Baptist Church.

The police understand the current situation and that the Parish Council are attempting to resolve the situation in discussions with the County Council, however this may be a long term solution.

They have requested that parishioners and visitors to the church park whenever possible in the church drive or on the grass verge.

They have stated however that they do NOT want any parking that restricts any footpath either partially of fully, and that they have the power to, and will issue fines to anyone partially or fully obstructing footpaths. Please also be aware of the restrictions around bus stops.

Please ensure that you comply with their requirements, we will endeavour to remind you of these on a regular basis, however the final responsibility will be yours.

Anyone travelling from Annitsford and Dudley could avail themselves of the church bus on a Sunday morning, if you require details of the pickup points, please ask one of our parish councillors. If we receive enough enquiries, a review of the bus route could be considered.

Many thanks - Gerry Killen – St. John’s Parish Council On behalf of Fr. Richard B. Harriott

YPC Cake Sale Sunday 22nd April – StJohns YPC will be hosting a cake sale on Sunday 22nd April after mass, outside of church. Any donations of cakes would be greatly appreciated.

DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES – Kathleen Dawson has asked the following to be highlighted to you.

“Booking forms for the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes are available from Fr Peter Stott at Morpeth, Telephone 01670 51410 Email peterjstott@aol.com. The Pilgrimage is from 27th July to 3rd August with a direct flight from Newcastle Airport. 2018 marks the 160th Anniversary of the Apparitions in Lourdes to St Bernadette. The Pilgrimage has a Youth section for all 16 to 25 year olds and a special section for all in need of care and assistance. Adult helpers are needed and Nurses and trained care givers are especially needed. The parish has funds available to assist with costs of Youth, helpers or assisted pilgrims. Please speak to Monica Mills or Kathleen Dawson for further information."

Immortal Diamond - An opportunity to take part in a programme of group exploration, reflection and sharing based on the exciting themes of Richard Rohr’s book Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self (required reading). The group will meet on the last Wednesday of each month from 1.30 to 3.30 beginning on 25 April at Our Lady and St Joseph's Parish House, New Hartley. If you are interested please contact either Maureen McGrath on 01670714101 or Stephanie Hartas on 01670352398

Partnership Newsletter - is at the back of church – PLEASE take one home with you

Partnership Holiday/Pilgrimage Gozo, First Week in September 2018:

Twenty-two people are booked on our Partnership pilgrimage/holiday to Gozo in September. Can we thank all who have shown interest from within the partnership? We will come together for a social evening in April to meet one another and share details of the trip. If anyone has any initial, questions please do not hesitate to contact Deacon Rob (7841530991) or Graham Wilkins (07929115712) Thank you.

Partnership Mass & Get Together - Friday 20th April 2018 @7pm:

A snippet from St. Pauls Bulletin “… It is our [StPauls] turn to hold the Partnership Mass and get together. Mass is at 7pm and get together afterwards at the Benedictine. We would like to do a shared table so if anyone can help co-ordinate this then please contact Fr. Lee …” PLEASE see Fr Lee for further information. Please try to support all partnership events as we move ever closer to becoming a united family in the Risen Christ.

Benedictine Weekend Entertainment – Every Saturday night from 6:30pm until late the Benedictine social club has live music entertainment along with bingo - £3 cover charge.

Every Sunday night from 7:30pm Bingo And 50/50 Dancing – come and do the Tango, Foxtrot, Rumba £1 cover charge.

You are more than welcome to attend – we hope to see you there.