Bulletin - 18th Sunday of the Year

Post date: Aug 03, 2015 8:58:7 AM


Fr. Richard B. Harriott tel. 0191 2500200

email – annitsford.stjohnbaptist@rcdhn.org.uk



Date 2nd AUGUST 2015


Friday: by appointment

Saturday: by appointment

PARISH REGISTER – If you have changed or have a new mobile telephone number or email address please complete a Parish Register Form available at the back of church and hand to Fr. Harriott. Thank You

NEW PARISHIONERS - If you are a new member of the parish, would you please make yourself known to Fr. Harriott or a member of the Parish Council and complete a form available at the back of church.


PARISH INFORMATION – If you have not received an email or text update this week and you have either an email address or mobile telephone, please can you give your contact details to Fr. Harriott or Gerry Killen. Thank You

PRAYERS – Please remember in your prayers Ollie Duncan Sillars & Evelyn Jane Smith who will be baptised this week, also Laura Jane Furness & David Owen Brannigan; and Emma Jane Wylie & Michael Andrew Smith who are to be married this week.

PARISH COUNCIL – The minutes of the meeting are displayed on the church Notice Board in the Church Porch

FORWARD TOGETHER IN HOPE – The next phase of FTiH “Exploring the Way” is now underway – Please make every effort to be involved and have YOUR say.

The final questions are on the back of this week's bulletin. Please can you look at them and provide some feedback, either to Fr. Harriott direct, or place them in the box at the back of church. These questions are also on St. John's website for those who wish to submit electronically. On Sunday 2nd August 2015, after the 10am Mass, Jerry Laidler will be available in the church hall for an hour to listen to and capture any questions, concerns or ideas that the parishioners may have. He will do this on an ongoing basis as announced. Jerry will also be travelling on the bus for the next couple of weeks to capture comments from those who can't attend the meetings in the church hall. Derek Harrison will also attend the 2nd Aug. 2015 meeting to answer questions on Parish Accounts.

Many thanks to all who attended last meeting 19th July 2015, minutes are in the FtiH book at the back of church and on St. John's website.

PARISH ACCOUNTS – There is a summary of the Parish Accounts displayed on the notice board in the church porch.

POPE JOHN PAUL 11 AWARDS – The Deanery is asking each parish to have a contact/representative for the JP11 Awards, these are aimed at young adults (16-18 year old). Any volunteers please.

COFFEE AFTERNOONS – Will be held the second Thursday of every Month i.e. 13th August & 10th Sept. 2015. All welcome. Please can parishioners inform people who are unable to attend

Mass of the Coffee Afternoons and also say that transport can be arranged. The C.A. is not restricted to parishioners only.

MASS INTENTIONS – Weekday Mass intentions are not very far in advance, please use the envelopes at the back of church should you wish to have a Mass offered. Please provide your tel. no in case your chosen date is not available.

ADDITIONAL PARISH & DIOCESAN INFORMATION- can be obtained from the Parish website http://stjohnsannitsford.co.uk. Anyone experiencing problems accessing the site, please contact Jerry Laidler on 07801 452372