Bulletin - 26th SUNDAY OF THE YEAR

Post date: Sep 25, 2015 8:24:45 AM


Fr. Richard B. Harriott tel. 0191 2500200

email – annitsford.stjohnbaptist@rcdhn.org.uk



Date 27th SEPTEMBER 2015


Friday: 6.30 – 7pm or by appointment

PARISH REGISTER – If you have changed or have a new mobile telephone number or email address please complete a Parish Register Form available at the back of church and hand to Fr. Harriott. Thank You

NEW PARISHIONERS - If you are a new member of the parish, would you please make yourself known to Fr. Harriott or a member of the Parish Council and complete a form available at the back of church.

FAMILY FAST DAY - Friday 2nd October 2015 envelopes for your donations are available at the back of church and a retiring collection will be taken next Sunday 4th October 2015

GIFT AID STATEMENTS – There is a Gift Aid Statement at the back of church for All those who gift aid their planned giving. Please collect yours.


Sunday 27th Sept. Readers – C. Gibbs & Hannah Buglass. EM's – A. Hall, V. Rooker & T. Robson

Sunday 4th Oct. Readers – J. Kingston & R. Simmons Dickerson. EM's – S. Hall, J. Craigie & B. Wareing

Anyone unable to commit to these dates, please arrange a deputy.

THE ROSARY – During the month of October Kathleen Dawson will be giving a talk on the rosary in the church hall at 2.30pm each Wednesday. Anyone wishing to attend who will require transport, please telephone Kathleen on 0191 2667775.

COFFEE AFTERNOONS – The next two Coffee Afternoons will be held on Thursday 8th October and Thursday 12th November at 1.30pm. These are open to ALL, Please come along.

MASS INTENTIONS - Mass intentions are not very far in advance, please use the envelopes at the back of church should you wish to have a Mass offered. Please provide your tel. no in case your chosen date is not available. Sunday Masses are further in advance than weekday Masses.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS & READERS – A further revised rota is on the church notice board. Please contact Gerry Killen if you require a hard copy.

FTiH – Anyone wishing to be involved in compiling the final report to the Diocese, please contact Jerry Laidler 07801 452372

Youth Mass Get Together – Please make your way to the hall after 9:30am Sunday Mass for our Youth celebration. Also, our young people will be invited to participate in a small ‘Forward Together in Hope’ activity which will take place in the Hall. It would be lovely to see you all there.

24hr Prayer Vigil 2nd Oct to 3rd Oct - St Bede's, Bedlington, is hosting 24 Hours of Prayer themed 'One Day, One Lord’, starting on Friday 2 October 2015 at 3:00pm and ending on Saturday 3 October at 3:00pm. These are excellent events to get involved in – simply turn up when you can and pray. More details from Kathryn Maggs (St. Pauls) or Jerry Laidler (St. Johns).

Forward together in Hope (FTiH) Announcements/Updates

Forward together in Hope (FTiH) – Becoming Disciples of Jesus - Please make every effort to be involved and have YOUR say.

All twelve questions have now been published in the bulletin and spare paper copies are at the back of church. Please provide your feedback direct to Fr. Harriott or place in the box at the back of church. Minutes of ALL meetings are also in the FTiH book at the back of church, please read and feel free to respond.

FTIH – Responding to Questions – Some parishioners have already come forward and offered their services in helping collate information in order that we answer the questionnaire as fully as we can. If any parishioner wishes to offer their services, please speak with Fr. Harriott.

During the coming weeks we will be busy collating your responses and will announce the next FTiH parishioners meeting in due course. Any questions, please speak with Jerry Laidler (07801452372) or any PC members.

Northern Cross - FTiH Individual Questionnaire – Has been published in this month’s Northern Cross (September). Feel free to pick up a copy and fill in your Individual Questionnaire.