Bulletin - ALL SAINTS' DAY

Post date: Nov 03, 2015 6:18:29 PM


Fr. Richard B. Harriott tel. 0191 2500200

email – annitsford.stjohnbaptist@rcdhn.org.uk



Date 1st NOVEMBER 2015


Friday: 6.30 – 7pm or by appointment

PARISH REGISTER – If you have changed or have a new mobile telephone number or email address please complete a Parish Register Form available at the back of church and hand to Fr. Harriott. Thank You

NEW PARISHIONERS - If you are a new member of the parish, would you please make yourself known to Fr. Harriott or a member of the Parish Council and complete a form available at the back of church.


RETIRING COLLECTION – Today for the Clergy Training Fund.

BAPTISMS – Please remember in your prayers Matthew Oleksik who will be baptised today (Sunday)


Sunday 1st Nov. Readers – R.S. Dickerson & J. Coulson. EM's – B. Wareing, A. Hall & V. Rooker

Sunday 8th Nov. Readers – B. Simpson & K. Dawson EM's – Z. Gray-Johnson, S. Hall & J. Craigie

A MASS FOR ALL THE DECEASED PARISHIONERS OF ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST – Will be held on Monday 2nd November at 7pm. (All Souls Day). On the back of this bulletin is a list of those to be remembered. Any additions, deletions or corrections, please contact Jerry Laidler 07801 452372

BAPTISM CONSULTATION SESSIONS – “New guidelines for the Preparation and the Celebration”

A meeting is to be held at St. Benet Biscop Academy, Bedlington on Wed 4th Nov. 6.30-8pm. All interested parties are welcome. Please contact Kathryn Maggs 07540 065414

THE ROSARY - Fr. Harriott thanks Kathleen Dawson for the talks given, we hope to repeat them or something similar in the near future. Please contact Fr. Harriott, any member of the PC, or

Kathleen Dawson 07747 751213 if you are interested

COFFEE AFTERNOONS – The next two Coffee Afternoons will be held on Thursday 12th November and Thursday 10th December at 1.30pm. These are open to ALL, Please come along.

CHRISTMAS SHOE BOXES – To be place on Our Lady's Altar NO LATER than Sunday 15th November.

YOUTH SUNDAY 22nd NOVEMBER – Please contact Kathryn Maggs 07540 065414 if you wish to be involved in the Mass.

MASS INTENTIONS – Weekday Mass intentions are not very far in advance, please use the envelopes at the back of church should you wish to have a Mass offered. Please provide your tel. no in case your chosen date is not available. Sunday Masses are further in advance than weekday Masses, they are fully booked for the rest of 2015.

ADDITIONAL PARISH & DIOCESAN INFORMATION- can be obtained from the Parish website https://sites.google.com/site/stjohnsannitsford. Anyone experiencing problems accessing the site, please contact Jerry Laidler on 07801 452372