"Prepare The Way" - Summarised Update for Parishioners ...

Post date: Mar 23, 2015 1:40:25 PM

Forward Together in Hope – What is it ...

On the 18th March, Bishop Seamus and the Forward Together in Hope (FTIH) team presented to the parishes the “Preparing The Way” literature that is to be used to help inform ALL parishioners of the FTIH 3 year process. As Bishop Seamus states:

“... The purpose of Forward Together in Hope is to help us discover how to be more committed disciples of Jesus Christ. It will also help us find a way of making best use of our resources in order to ensure we have a thriving and sustainable Catholic community into the future ...”

The information provided in this post is a summarised version of the key elements that make up FTIH.

To see the full literature and a short DVD to "Prepare The Way" please click on the pictures below

FULL literature 8 minute DVD

Why Do We Have to do This ... “The Case for Change”

  • Over the years, there has been a vastly decreasing numbers of priests & reducing attendance at Mass

(Click on picture above to see more Facts & Figures)

  • We have a static number of churches & decreasing financial income

  • However, all of this provides a real opportunity to look at things differently and positively

How Does it Affect You ...

“Forward Together in Hope is a personal invitation to everyone in our Diocese to take part in a journey of renewal"

It will be firmly rooted in “Prayer” and in the spirit of the “Second Vatican Council” and have at its heart:

  • Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel), of which Pope Francis invites each of us to a renewed encounter with Jesus. He tells us “... The Church is herself a missionary disciple; she needs to grow in her interpretation of the revealed word and in her understanding of truth ...”

  • We must have the clergy and lay people working together in an open, transparent and fair manner allowing for excellent communication and a “voice for all”.

  • Provide a clarity of the decision-making and being inclusive and collaborative allowing us all to celebrate success and sharing good practice

What’s The Time Line ... 3 Stages – Starting Autumn 2014 And Ending Summer 2017

Stage 1 - Preparing The Way (Autumn 2014 - Spring 2015)

  • The FTIH team developing and distributing information leaflets and guidance

  • Informing everyone about the approach through meetings, documents, website, social media, bulletins and videos

Stage 2 - Exploring The Way (Spring 2015 – Summer 2016)

  • The FTIH team to provide unique data and information specific to our parish

  • A self-evaluation questionnaire sent to each parish (This is to be received around Pentecost)

  • Return of completed self-evaluation questionnaire and recommendations (To be returned by Advent 2015)

  • Detailed analysis and validation of responses along with clarification meetings and on-going discussions

Stage 3 - Pointing The Way (Autumn 2016 - Summer 2017)

  • Deep and prayerful consideration of the recommendations by Diocesan group of clergy and laity

  • Information and analysis made available to Bishop Séamus to make informed decisions about the future

  • Communicating these decisions and indicating the way forward for everyone

  • Supporting parishes in moving to the new arrangements

For More Information ...

More information will be provided over the next few weeks but the PC wanted you to have this summarised view of the key elements. However, please feel free to look at the information folder at the back of church as well as St. John’s websites and the Diocese and Forward Together in Hope websites.

Please also approach any member of the Parish Council with any comments, suggestions & questions.

#GodBless+ Fr. Richard B. Harriott