Bulletin - 10th December 2017

Post date: Dec 09, 2017 3:18:7 PM


Fr. Richard B. Harriott tel. 0191 2500200

email – annitsford.stjohnbaptist@rcdhn.org.uk



10th DECEMBER 2017


By appointment. Please speak to Fr. Harriott

PARISH REGISTER – If you have changed or have a new mobile telephone number or email address please complete a Parish Register Form available at the back of church and hand to Fr. Harriott. Thank You

NEW PARISHIONERS - If you are a new member of the parish, would you please make yourself known to Fr. Harriott or a member of the Parish Council and complete a form available at the back of church.

OFFERTORIES – This figure does not include Direct Debit payments.

The Box in the Porch floor is to receive your Advent Alms collection to support the work of St. Cuthbert's Care.

St. John's Poppy Appeal box raised the sum of £71.95. Many thanks rec'd from the British Legion.

10th Dec. 2017 Readers – G. Killen & B. Simpson Ems – M. Mills, S. Harnwell & J. Coulson

Teas - Karen & Jean

17th Dec. 2017 Readers – K. Dawson & M. Cowan Ems – S. Muir, T. Robson & J. Kingston

Teas - Susan & Sian

CHRISTMAS ALTAR FLOWERS – Raffle tickets for a Christmas Cake donated by Symphonyin Sugar will be sold today the 10th December and drawn next Sunday 17th December. Proceeds towards flowers for the Chrismas Altar.

PRAYERS – Please remember in your prayers Sr. Rosemary Adlington from St. Paul's Parish who died in hospital on Friday. May She Rest in Peace.

PARTNERSHIP INFORMATION – Bulletins/Newsletters/Information can now be obtained electronically.

To sign up to the partnership mailing list, please follow the link http://eepurl.com/cUym2D

PARTNERSHIP FACEBOOK PAGE – is now operational, please see the back page for more information.

EVENING CHRONICLE TOKENS – Janet Memola is collecting the tokens to support the Air Ambulance.

USED STAMPS – Please save all the stamps from your Chrismas Cards for the Little Sisters of the Poor. We are also collecting old and foreign coins. Please place them in the box at the back of church.

COFFEE AFTERNOONS – The next two Coffee Afternoons will be this Thurs. 14th Dec. & Thurs. 11th Jan. 2018 at 1.30pm. These are open to ALL, not just parishioners, Please come along and invite a friend and/or your neighbour.

GARDENERS – The Gardening season is coming to a close with minor works only required over the winter season.

We are appealing for helpers for spring 2018 onwards.It does not have to be every week if you can't manage that. Please give your name to Frank Swindle 07779 425610 or Jimmy MacFarlane 01670 714792

ADDITIONAL PARISH & DIOCESAN INFORMATION- can be obtained from the Parish website https://sites.google.com/site/stjohnsannitsford. Anyone experiencing problems accessing the site, please contact Jerry Laidler on 07801 452372

A BIG Thank You to YOU ALL for Making The Partnership Family Party Such a Success

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Many thanks to the Benedictine for allowing this to happen and many thanks to the YPC co-ordinators …

… And of course, a big thank you to all who brought such lovely food.

Partnership Christmas Toy Appeal –

Co-ordinated by Sacred Heart who have good links to women's refuges in South East Northumberland, North Tyneside and Newcastle. The toy appeal is asking for NEW Toys that are aimed at Christmas gifts for children and adolescents. They are mainly toys but are also the kind of things any child or adolescent may receive at Christmas - hats, scarves, gloves, make up, gift set toiletries etc. If you can help please bring them to church and leave them in the porch or you can take them directly to Sacred Heart.

Cut off date is no later than the evening of the Third Sunday of Advent (17th Dec – Gaudete Sunday).

Justice & Peace Refugee Food Back

Thank you for those who support us with this. We continue to take the food you kindly donate to J&P deaf centre in Newcastle and we know that it is gratefully received by our brothers and sisters most in need.

This has now become a Partnership Youth Council initiate, so please keep bringing in items of food, especially toothpaste, shampoo etc. Your generosity is much appreciated.

A large box is in the porch for your items #GodBless+

"A person who thinks only about building walls ... and not building bridges is not Christian."

Pope Francis, February 2016

Bring-A-Coat, Take-A-Coat

Thank you to all who have provided coats – These will be used by the J&P Refugee Project and they are very appreciative of your efforts. The winter is biting, and coming from warm climes to the northeast cannot be easy. So, if you have any old, warm coats for all ages, please bring them to church and put them in the Refugee Food Bank Box, which is in the porch. This initiative is also being promoted by the Partnership Youth Council.

<<STOP PRESS>> J&P Are urgently looking for good quality shoes/trainers – all sizes, all ages – PLEASE HELP

CAFOD Coin-It-In Beer Cans – If you still have a beer-can, you can still bring it in and we will make sure it follows the rather large cheque you help raise for CAFOD. Again many thanks.

Prayer & Remembrance Tree –

People have asked if the tree can be used to remember loved ones over the Advent and Christmas period.

Therefore, please feel free to hang a picture or write a name of a loved one on a ‘butterfly’ and hang it on the Remembrance Tree, which is at the back of church. The butterflies and pens are next to the tree and suggestion box.

"Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live’

Know of any community or partnership focused event/activity?

Then please let us know and we will try our best to publicise.