Bulletin - 25th September 2016

Post date: Sep 23, 2016 7:35:27 AM


Fr. Richard B. Harriott tel. 0191 2500200

email – annitsford.stjohnbaptist@rcdhn.org.uk



25th SEPTEMBER 2016


Friday: 6.30 – 7pm or by appointment

PARISH REGISTER – If you have changed or have a new mobile telephone number or email address please complete a Parish Register Form available at the back of church and hand to Fr. Harriott. Thank You

NEW PARISHIONERS - If you are a new member of the parish, would you please make yourself known to Fr. Harriott or a member of the Parish Council and complete a form available at the back of church.


Friday (7th October) is Family Fast Day. A Retiring Collection will be taken on Sunday 9th October 2016.

MACMILLAN NURSES – The Coffee Morning raised the sum of £571. Thanks to all who helped, especially the children who provided the cakes.

BAPTISM – Please remember in your prayers, Lydia Rose Hodson & John Robert Stewart who will be baptised this week.

EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION – You are all invited to attend a Day of Recollection 8th October 2016 at Minsteracres led by Rob Wareing. No replies yet from St. John's.

Please forward name to Parish Secretary at St. Mary's, Hexam 01434 603119 or email@stmaryshexham.plus.com. See notice board poster for additional information.

Transport and refreshments can be provided, please speak to Rob for costs.

YOUTH SUNDAY PREPARATION – will be held at St. Joseph's School, Hebburn on Sunday 9th October 3pm to 5.15pm. All adults and young people (Year 9 and above) are invited.

Please contact Kathryn Maggs 07540 065414.

COFFEE AFTERNOONS – The next two Coffee Afternoons will be on Thursday 13th Oct 2016 and Thursday 10th Nov. 2016 at 1.30pm. These are open to ALL, not just parishioners, Please come along.

YEAR OF MERCY – On the back of the bulletin is information for all parishioners, especially young families, to get involved in planned activities. Please read and contact Kathryn Maggs 07540 065414 or Jerry Laidler.

PARKING – For the safety of Parents with children in pushchairs & young children, parishioners in wheelchairs, or with walking aids; can we request that parishioners refrain from parking on footpaths.

GARDENERS – We have lost one of our helpers (very careless), can anyone help out with the gardening. You don't have to be available every week, but it would help. Please contact Frank Swindle on 07779425610

ADDITIONAL PARISH & DIOCESAN INFORMATION- can be obtained from the Parish website https://sites.google.com/site/stjohnsannitsford. Anyone experiencing problems accessing the site, please contact Jerry Laidler on 07801 452372


Today, Sunday 25th September, after 9:30 Mass we will again have a meeting within the church – all are welcome and your opinion matters, so please do attend. A summary of what parishioners have put forward is in the Forward Together in Hope (FTiH) book at the back of church near the font – Please take time to read it. It is also published on our website.


Forward Together in Hope – Vicariate Meeting - This is an OPEN invitation to ALL.

The Diocese FTiH team will come to our deanery with the purpose of further explaining the process of creating ‘partnerships’ with our community, what a new partnership could look like, to confirm expectations about the next stages of the process and to allow parishioners to ask questions.

6th October 2016 - 7-9pm – St Benet Biscop Catholic Academy, Bedlington, NE22 6ED


Prayer Outside of FTiH Meetings – As we go through this phase of FTiH we encourage all parishioners to prayer for its success and for the communities around us whom we serve and outreach to.

During this time, could you help partake in some of the prayer suggestions that we have.

If you have any suggestions yourself, please let us know.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – Starting Friday 23rd Sept from 6pm until 7pm, before 7pm Mass we will have silent adoration to prayer for our church, community and the FTiH process.

Daily Prayer Focus – Could you prayer at home, or during the week at Eucharistic Services/Mass or wherever you are for the success of FTiH. A suggested format is below:

Sunday – Everyone! Monday – All the clergy in our deanery Tuesday – Parish Pastoral Councils & Finance Committees Wednesday – Catechists, teachers and students Thursday – Families of all shapes and sizes that make up our community Friday – All those involved in the upkeep & running of our churches Saturday – For Bishop Séamus and those who will be responsible for assisting him in decision-making.

MacMillan Nurses – A Big Thank You …

Thank you all for supporting the cake & raffle sale as well as the evening at the Benedictine whom we thank for allowing us to use their premises. The total raised was in excess of £700.

StJohns Youth Council & CAFOD

Throughout this academic year, StJohns YPC will be supporting CAFOD, and as always, your continued help and support is always very much appreciated. Detailed information will be displayed in the hall:

CAFOD Harvest Fast Day Collection - Friday 7th October - The Harvest Fast Day focus is on a Community in Bolivia

Connect2 – with Brazil - Our Young people choose the country Brazil to connect with. Connect2 is an exciting way to create solidarity across the world and allows us to hear directly from people in developing countries. To begin our journey, we will receive stories and photographs from our chosen community.

Poppy Seed Appeal – StJohns YPC and gardeners are asking any parishioners if they have any red poppy seeds or small bulbs such as snow drops that they would be willing to donate as part of a project to mark the World War centenary and to remember those who have gone before us.

Events for You

Voices of Mercy - Feed the Hungry – A CAFOD event on Wed 28th Sept. Talks start at 7.00pm and finish at 8.30pm but you are invited for a meal beforehand that will start at 6.15pm.

If you have or know of an event/activity, please let us know so we can publicise.