Bulletin - 4th Sunday of Easter

Post date: Apr 23, 2015 7:48:33 PM


Fr. Richard B. Harriott tel. 0191 2500200

email – annitsford.stjohnbaptist@rcdhn.org.uk



Date 26th APRIL 2015


Friday: by appointment

Saturday: by appointment

PARISH REGISTER – If you have changed or have a new mobile telephone number or email address please complete a Parish Register Form available at the back of church and hand to Fr. Harriott. Thank You

NEW PARISHIONERS - If you are a new member of the parish, would you please make yourself known to Fr. Harriott or a member of the Parish Council and complete a form available at the back of church.

We have rec'd the invoice for the Annual Levy of £6441.98 payable to the Diocese

MONDAY & SATURDAY MORNING SERVICES – Unless otherwise stated in Newsletter, there will be a Eucharistic Service held in Church during the summer at 9.15am with the Rosary before the Service at 9am.

PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES – There are still a few boxes of envelopes at the back of church, if you live near someone who has not collected theirs, please can you deliver them to save having them distributed. Thank You.

SUNDAY 17th MAY 2015 – this will be a Youth Mass. If any young person wants to participate, please contact - Kathryn Maggs 07540 065414

WHITE RIBBONS – Please feel free to change your Purple Ribbon (The Cross of Christ) to a White Ribbon (The Risen Christ). Suggest that we wear them until Pentecost.

MASS INTENTIONS – Weekday Mass intentions are not too far in advance. Please use envelopes at the back of church. Please give your telephone number in case your requested date is not available.

SPARE PLANTS – When ordering your Spring Plants, if you have any spares, please bring to church for Rose to plant in the Church Grounds.


The next two will be held Thursday 14th May 2015 & Thursday 11th June 2015 at 1.30pm. Everyone is welcome.

BAPTISM – Please remember Jessica Mary Gray who will be baptised Sunday 3rd May 2015 at 11am.

DEFIBRILLATOR – We now have the defibrillator, it is kept in the house porch as it must not be stored in a cold area.

ADDITIONAL PARISH & DIOCESAN INFORMATION- can be obtained from the Parish website http://stjohnsannitsford.co.uk. Anyone experiencing problems accessing the site, please contact Jerry Laidler on 07801 452372