VBI Edit Mode
To access the VISUAL BIN INVENTORY screen: Go to the INVENTORY menu → VISUAL BIN INVENTORY screen
The default mode on the VBI is View Mode. To switch to edit mode click Edit Layout in the screen actions. In edit mode you can do the following:
1. Add storage locations to the VBI from the bins list.
2. Move storage locations in the VBI.
3. Remove storage locations VBI.
Adding storage locations
Click the + bins button:
A drop down menu of all the storage locations for the site will appear.
Click and drag the storage location you want and place it on the VBI.
Moving storage locations
To move bins that are already on the VBI, click and drag them to where you want them to go.
Removing storage locations
To remove bins that are on the VBI, click the X in the top right corner of the bin card.
Saving edit mode changes
Before leaving edit mode (navigating to another page or returning to view mode) you'll be asked if you want to save or discard your changes.
If saved, all the changes made in edit mode will remain, if not saved, any changes made in edit mode will be reverted and no changes will be made to the VBI layout.