Purchasing Retail Products

To access the RETAIL PRODUCTS screen: Go to the PRODUCT MASTER menu → RETAIL PRODUCTS screen

Retail Product Purchases Summary:

  • Adding a purchase to a retail product allows you to keep track of quantities that you have purchased of that product. These are your purchases, these are not related to your customer bookings.

  • When a purchase is added to a retail product, the purchased amount is automatically calculated into your available inventory (even if it has not yet been received).

  • When receiving inventory, you can receive against the purchased amount which will reduce the quantity of the amount purchased based on the received quantity.

  • Only one purchase can be on a retail product at a time.

Adding Retail Purchases

Click Purchase Inventory next to the retail product you want to add a purchase for.

The Purchase Retail Inventory screen will appear where you can enter the details about the retail product purchase.

Fields appearing in pink are mandatory, and must be entered:

  1. Vendor: Enter the vendor name that the inventory was purchased from.

  2. Retail Product: The retail product being purchased, this cannot be changed.

  3. Quantity: Enter the quantity of inventory being purchased.

  4. Unit of Measure: The unit of measure set on the retail product, this cannot be changed.

  5. Unit Cost: Enter the unit cost (per unit of measure) of the purchased inventory.

  6. Comments: Enter any comments to be saved with the inventory purchase record.

To complete the retail product inventory purchase, click Save.

The quantity purchased will now appear under the purchased column on the retail product.

Adjusting Retail Purchases

Click the Purchase Inventory button on the retail product for which you need to edit the purchased quantity.

The current amount on the retail purchase will be displayed. If you need to change it just update the number and click save.

The amount of the retail product purchased will then be updated.

Note: To clear an inventory purchase, just enter 0 in the edit purchase dialog, click save. The purchase will then be cleared from the retail product.

Receiving Against Retail Purchases

When receiving retail inventory you can receive against existing retail purchases, this draws down the purchased quantity to ensure accurate & up to date inventory information.

To receive against a retail purchase, click the Receive Inventory Button.

The Add Retail Product Inventory screen will appear where you can enter the details about the retail product purchase.

Fields appearing in pink are mandatory, and must be entered:

  1. Inventory Received: Enter the quantity of inventory to receive.

  2. Receive Against Purchase: Check this checkbox to receive inventory against an existing purchase for the retail product.

To complete the retail product inventory purchase, click Save.

The quantity received will now appear on the RETAIL PRODUCTS page for the corresponding retail product and will be added to the on hand and available inventory for that product. The purchased quantity on the product will be reduced by the amount received.