
Quotes are added on the bookings screen. To access the BOOKINGS screen:  Go to the SALES menu    BOOKINGS screen

Quotes Summary:

PRE-REQUISITE:  Before you can add a quote, you must first ensure that you have entered your Customer information.

Click Add Booking.

The booking dialog will open where you can enter all the information about the Quote/Booking.

Fields appearing in Pink are Mandatory, and must be entered.

To save the Quote, click Click Save.

Products and Services can be added to the Quote, click Product Line Items, Service Line Items or Retail Product Line Items tab and click the  +  button below.

Enter the details for the products/services, click Save.  You can enter as many products and services to the quote as needed.

To download the quote in PDF format,  click More Actions and select Quote.

You can also email the quote directly to the customer, click More Actions and select Email.

Note:  In order to email the quote, the customer account must be configured with an email address.

Converting a quote to a booking

Converting a quote to a booking allows the booked and available quantities to be updated on your inventory.  Once the quote is a booking you'll be able to pickup and invoice it as well as add payments, credits, and pre-payments.

PRE-REQUISITE:  Before you can convert a quote to a booking there must be at least one product, service or retail product line item on the quote.

On the booking details screen, click More Actions and select Convert.

A pop up will appear to confirm you want to convert a booking.

Click Yes to convert the quote to a booking.

The quote is now a fully functional booking. Inventory booked and available quantities are adjusted according to the booked amounts and you can now perform pickups and generate invoices for the booking.