Convert to Commercial

To access the INVENTORY LOTS screen:   Go to the INVENTORY menu   INVENTORY LOTS screen

You are able to convert storage locations from a pedigree seed inventory lot to a commercial inventory lot.

You will be asked to select a source location (bin) and a target location (commercial lot).  ALL of the inventory in the bin selected will then be transferred to the commercial lot.  

Note:  You must have a commercial variety, product and inventory lot with the same crop type in order to use the convert to commercial action.

Watch the video below to learn how to Convert to Commercial

Enter the Inventory Lot Details screen for the lot you want to convert to commercial grain, click View Lot Details.

Click More Actions, select Convert To Commercial Grain.

Fields appearing in Pink are Mandatory, and must be entered.

Note:  Greyed fields are not editable.

Note:  you must have a commercial inventory lot set up with the same crop type.

To save the record, click Save.